Miss Murder

by aDORKable x3   Apr 1, 2007

Hey, Miss Murder! Lean your ear this way.
Hear me out on this; tell me what you'll say.
Speak the lies that the boys all adore;
Tell them things they could never ignore.

Hey, Miss Murder! What's stuck on your mind?
Is there something that you were forced to leave behind?
Hidded in the depths on the catacombs, so deep?
Is this what causes you to silently weep?

Hey, Miss Murder! You're not all you seem to be.
Am I the only one who you let see?
Do you hide behind you sweet-faced mask;
Hidden with things that no one dare ask?

Hey, Miss Murder! Look me in the eye.
Is your pure life one big dirty lie?
Do you find yourself searching for something more?
Is there something that you are yearning for?

Hey, Miss Murder! Turn you face towards me.
You need help, but you might disagree.
But listen to the words that I'm speaking:
There is the love somewhere that you are seeking.

Hey, Miss Murder! Believe me, what I say is true.
Because one day past, I was just like you.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    Omg !! this is so like wow, i cant believe that this is of this qaulity hun loved it :D

    xxx alex xxx

  • 17 years ago


    Aweh I really liked this one, it explained how half of my friends are with boys haha, some girls just really don't know what they are doing; do they? Haha, anyways, dear Ciao...I freaking adored this poem, just like all of your other ones haha.


  • 17 years ago

    by dollwithafrown

    I liked this, especially the ending. Your flow was consistent throughout the entire poem and the rhyming was spot on. I liked how you used punctuation in this, too, which helped your flow a lot.

    Nice work. Keep it up.

  • 17 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Very nicely written, the flow and structure was great. I loved your rhyming scheme and choice of words as well. Yet another great poem. You have talent, keep it up.

    Peace, Joe

  • 17 years ago

    by The Lonely Rose

    Kewls! u lik writing with song titles dont cha..this is a very good one..ryhiming was good flow was good liked it =)