Gone Forever

by Kristina   Apr 16, 2007

As my life goes on,
I think about you more
And how you were always there for me,
When I needed a shoulder to cry on.

And as time goes by,
I wonder why you left,
Left me here all alone.
Why did you have to go so soon?

We didn't even say goodbye to each other,
Cause we were so young,
We didn't understand what was happening,
Didn't know we would never see each other again.

We did everything together,
We spent everyday with each other,
We were best friends
And in my heart we still are.

I'll never stop thinking about you
And if you're doing okay or not.
And I'll never forget,
All the great times we had together.

Copyright © April 28, 2005 - Kristina M


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  • 17 years ago


    Your title was catchy.
    Its powerful because it gave a time frame. Like you have no hope of ever renewing your relationship. I liked the power in such few words. Well done.

    I've recently written a poem around this topic so I do knwo where its coming from and I think you did good in expressing yourself.

    The poem itself could do with a little work.
    Maby stronger vocab.
    A more powerful structure or just adding a flow.

    But its a good start :]]
    Well done.

  • Love ur poem it beautiful lol rate mine

  • 17 years ago

    by Melpomene

    I liked this poem alot im sure alot of people can relate to it. Although for a poem like this it should show stronger emotion i think if you added stronger vocab throughout this it would be alot more emotional and get the reader into it alot more. Good effort though. Well done~mel

  • 17 years ago

    by Vanessa

    It was a good read. A feeling that most people can relate to, having lost a friend at one time or another. Very nicely written, well pinned , and a good flow 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Poetvoices

    I can tell this poem was a great release for you, though there was nothing special about it for me. I gave it a 4, but I think, now, it deserves a 3. Believe me, I know exactly how you're feeling. Friends being gone sucks.