Richard's Poem

by Noelle Wright   Oct 1, 2007

I hear your voice oh how it eases my soul

Pulling me closer to the sound of which I love

"Richard" I hear and look but no where do I see

"Richard' I turn to search and think, "are my ears deceiving me"?

Upon a glance just by chance

Your beautiful browns I do see

I suddenly stare back but no where could they be

Are my eyes deceiving me?

Then a touch upon my back

Not a tip or not a smack

But the tap of which I do recall

Then I'm disappointed once again

As I turn my hope does fall

Is my mind deceiving me?

That breathtaking fragrance I did inhale

This is a smell I remember very well

I turn to search but no where do I see

Is my nose deceiving me?

Then suddenly it all makes sense

I am ashamed and a little tense

Alas it's all but what it seems

Just a love struck girl and her brokenhearted dreams

( True Story )

" For Richard "


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  • 16 years ago

    by Unknown Substance

    This Richard Guy is lucky you love him so much i loved the idea for this poem

  • 16 years ago

    by Katy

    That Is Great,
    I Can Really Follow The Story
    It Really Flows ^_^
    Nice One =]

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