Try the window...

by XxBrokenInsidexX   Oct 2, 2007

Trying to just get by
but its harder now
your no longer by my side

you walked out with a simple goodbye
leaving me heartbroken
trying not to cry

jealousy got to you
but i don't understand
i have guy friends too

you hated him
i was always giving my time to be with him not you
and you hated him for it
there was nothing else for me to do

he was there
when you were with your friends
he was there
when you were to busy to care

so i just settled my time in his arms
for we both know you were up to no good
leading me to harm

he came and completed my broken heart
put the pieces together
offered me a new start

but all you did is take me and break me
and when i decide whats best
you get mad, don't you want to see me happy?

I'm human just like you
i have friends that care
and i have emotions too

don't sit here and play with my heart
then hate me when i finally move on
and let someone else fix what you tore apart

so baby if you go
don't forget to close the door
leave it be
and just remember if being with out me is that bad
thats what the window over there is for


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  • 16 years ago

    by MeeyCie

    That was good. Like it is true. Guys dont like that you have guyfriends sometimes but whats the big deal? Cant we have guyfriends? And if he dont care then it is his problem. That someother guy takes his place.