
About Fixxxer

F uck the world

Profile of Fixxxer

  • Age : 20
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : Canada
  • Joined : May 18, 2006
  • Last Visit : 18 years ago
  • Poems : 15
  • Comments : 72
  • Quotes : 5
  • Posts : 104
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Fixxxer

Latest Quotes By Fixxxer

  • Life is about balance and it's easy to fall. If you don't take a chance, you'll not live at all.

    16 years ago
    0 0
  • You can question your life, but the answer is death.. Live on the edge of a knife or cherish every breath..

    16 years ago
    0 0
  • To fall in love is to fall apart.
    Only true love makes you whole again.

    17 years ago
    0 0

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