Biancas Veil

About Biancas Veil

Hey my name is Bianca:)
Please feel free to comment on or rate my poems let me know what you think. if you wish to talk just shoot me a message

Profile of Biancas Veil

  • Age : 31
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : Australia
  • Joined : May 2, 2012
  • Last Visit : 1 month ago
  • Poems : 71
  • Comments : 196
  • Quotes : 13
  • Posts : 192
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Biancas Veil

  • Breathe (2) 2

    The trigger changes
    The reaction stays the same...

  • Untitled (1) 1

    You may see me on my journey soaring to the peaks...
    Following the smooth road but always making a...

  • Death

  • The girl fights to control herself
    She falls apart but the same time is contained...

  • To hear a butterfly sing,
    You need only be silent...

Latest Quotes By Biancas Veil

  • At least I got to tell you I love you and kiss you goodbye, I am greatful I saw you smiling and happy before you died.

    10 years ago
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  • You can only run so far until you are right back where you started from

    11 years ago
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  • The ones you love most can hurt you with the smallest things In the biggest way.

    11 years ago
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