Discribe your poetry style if you have one

  • Carrotgirl
    16 years ago

    I recently added broken - reflexion and Bob shanks to my list of favourite poets on here.
    Which is a big thing because I tend to write poems very rarely and post favourites even less so.

    But it got me thinking that the reason I liked Bobs is the wonderful subjects and structures he has. And broken reflexion 's because they reminded me of a famous poet I like.

    Its hard to classify your own poems, its like being asked at a job interview "how would a work collegue at a prevous job discribe you" and you get that blah blah ah feeling coming out of your mouth.

    Ok here goes mine are usually personal and often angry emotional poems about things Im feeling then and there.

    Do you have a style post here

  • the song writer
    16 years ago

    I love songs with four-line stanzas, and a solid chorus.
    and they usually are very dark-sounding and at the same time very spiritual.
    but I haven't been on this site long enough to show you guys songs like that

    but when it comes poetry, I have two ways.
    free verse
    good old A & B rhyming
    and my poems are usually very very dramatic.
    I like big words too, they're funn.

    and I absolutely love exclamation marks!!!!!

  • 4 track demo
    16 years ago

    Metaphoric blah blah..compulsive word plotting, anti-capitalization, anti-rule following, passionate, way over emotional descriptions of concepts in general, in the hope that somehow in my twisted vision, a reader can translate my message and learn from the wrekage of my life both good & bad..

  • Normal is the Watchword
    16 years ago

    Throwing random free style words together. Yeah that's it.

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    16 years ago

    I tend to write poetic prose and not really poetry, if one is trying to strictly categorize. My "Poems" are more like single or double paragraphs that read through poetically. Much like-Can't remember the author's name- the poem Walt Whitman in the Vegetable Aisle, or something like that.

  • selene
    16 years ago

    I write whatever comes to mind, without a care...read my poems, and you'll see that i write for no one but myself..not trying to impress anybody.

  • Carrotgirl
    16 years ago

    ^ me too lol

  • shatteredsoul
    16 years ago


  • Independence Forever
    16 years ago

    I'm a bit of everything. i don't limit myself

  • Alex Marlatt
    16 years ago

    Four line stanzas. Usually ABAB, AABB, ABCB, or ABAC.

    Usually about 3-5 stanza, occasionally the last stanza will be two lines (as opposed to my normal four) which are meant to add emphasis or add meaning to the poem.

    I usually write about: war, love, loss, hatred, and how I or others have effed up.

  • swill
    16 years ago

    Freestyle. Honesty.

  • Veamm
    16 years ago

    I don't know my style but i write everything in my mind thats it

  • Prophecies In Kodak
    16 years ago

    I prefer to rhyme.
    But I don't have a style.
    And sure as hell don't have form.

  • Baby Rainbow
    16 years ago

    Im not sure actually, i just write it and then it goes on here.

  • Lethmelodis
    16 years ago

    I tend to do short, rhyming quatrains that are tight, focused, and hit fast because I feel they compliment my dark subjects in some way. Kind of hard to explain why.

  • Gary Jurechka
    16 years ago

    I always joked my style was to have no style, but it's true in that I write in many different forms. I prefer free verse, though I've written quite a few rhyming pieces (which I first started with when very young but now I try to shy away from it). I've also written in some of the different forms- villanelles, rondeaus, haiku, pantoums, tanka, etc. I've also tried 'found' poetry and concrete poetry. And some experimental forms. I love surreal or abstract poems that allow the reader to view it much as a painting-everyone sees the same painting but each person can form their own individual meanings/feelings from it (which upon reflection I suppose free verse does also).
    My mainstay will always be free verse. I like the freedom it allows and after writing it for so long I've realized that the poem seems to dictate it's own form/style/voice as I write it or revise it. I like deep thought pieces or intensely emotional poems (I've always used poetry is a form of self-therapy, to get the emotions out that threaten to explode within, but if I can touch the hearts and minds of the reader in some way, ahh, that is wonderful!). Usually I strive for emotions or a subtle message, imagery is a staple of most of my work (I've had 'zine editors accuse me of assaulting the reader with too many images in a poem, but hey, that's me). Though I have a few long pieces, most tend to be about average length, some very short. I like to find unique titles and I love a powerful ending.
    I am always seeking to better my work by trying new things, or just trying to improve on what I already know.

    Peace, Poetry & Power,

    Gary Jurechka