Poems by HJ

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  • Evening air tickles against the back of her neck.
    In the face of the wind...

  • As I lay within my truth, capturing thought.
    Butterflies flutter above like confetti...

  • I touched the traces of your steps last night.
    Turning a love to pain...

  • It's easy to laugh and easy to cry.
    Remembering well our final goodbye...

  • I shall never forget.
    With delight and surprise...

  • Pieces of my world scatter.
    As I grasp to my last bit of hope...

  • Under a star studded dark blue sky
    past regrets, past reasoning...

  • My life has reeked of much despair.
    The wings of an angel I softly tear...

  • My mind recalls the past, painful and real.
    Left haunted, no laughter, can no longer feel...

  • Across miles and miles
    of oceans you flew...

  • Red streaks of sunlight,
    reflected like a path of blood...

  • The fading light, full moon glowing through my...
    Outside all is shapeless, thick billowy clouds...