My Heart is Bleeding Tears.

by Courageous Dreamer   Oct 29, 2008

`Written for a title contest, this is NOT what I'm feeling.

Stolen heart aches as it bleeds puddles of bloody tears,
draining every ounce of blood within, leaving a vacant soul.
Faintly beating, screaming for one more chance at love,
slowly fading to black, no color seems to remain.

A deadly poison suddenly creeps inside searching for revenge,
forlorn soul, no longer yearning nears it's death, the end.
Throat burning like fire as those last words struggle to escape,
three words that were never said, now have been released.

Heart instantly stops beating as bloody tears flow more dense,
and puddles of crimson tears increase leaving the floor masked.
A broken girl whose heart hasn't stopped bleeding pools of tears,
no longer longs nor screams for a soulmate to call her own,
instead she has given up all hope and resides with each drop
that represents a time her lifeless heart was shattered to pieces.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    First of all the title is very strong and it creates an interest to the reader as we want to know why your heart is bleeding these tears. I thought the imagery was fantastic as it is in all of your poems and the flow as well. Its a shame when we think we have found everything we'll ever need when it comes to love and then soon enough we're right back to bleeding tears. Excellent job 5/5 GG23

  • 15 years ago

    by ether

    This is probably too much of a personal comment, but I used to write poetry like this (though, not as well as you seem to, I assure you) and now I see that it's a little cliche.
    In this, you spend a bit too long describing one thing, it doesn't progress the poem anywhere- you're talking about the same thing in different ways.

    However you have a pretty darn good vocabulary working for you. And the emotions in this are all right, both of these things will develp you into something amazing within the near future.

    I still think you've done a good job on this.
    I think the little note at the beginning may have sucked some of the emotions out of it, however. Fair enough if you have friends or stalkers reading this that you have to put this in but perhaps at the end?
    Still, good work, 4/5.

    jess ~

  • 15 years ago

    by Blissful

    You took this title and wrote an amazing poem with it Temps! I applaud you! :]

    1st Stanza.
    The imagery here just blew me away! You just jumped right in and pulled me in with your words leaving me wanting more. Very good and dark descriptions here making me feel the emotions you were expressing. Although I didnt like you use of "bloody" and "blood" right after each other in line 1 and 2 but the power was so immense throughout your words it really didnt matter and its just me being picky lol.

    "Stolen heart aches as it bleeds puddles of bloody tears,"
    ^ I love how you said "stolen" heart because sometimes thats how it means. You dont mean to fall for someone and they just walk into your life with their charms and capture your heart. Beautifully written here.

    2nd Stanza.
    Loved this stanza! Very powerful with hidden meanings the reader has to really look into to understand. Great usage of words here because although they werent simple they also didnt overpower the poem with their "biggness" lol.

    "Throat burning like fire as those last words struggle to escape,"
    ^I love the image that popped into my mind when I read this...soo eerie. Nicely written!

    3rd Stanza.
    Again too much bleeding and blood but then again it could have been your intention to repeat it I dont know lol. Very good ending to this poem. It brought everything to a nice close and had me feeling sorry for this girl and wishing she had a love to radiate light in the darkest corners of her soul. Beautifull written.

    "and puddles of crimson tears increase leaving the floor masked."
    ^Yay you found a place for "crimson"! It fit her perfectly.

    Well done my dear. You should be proud of this piece.
    *5/5* :]

  • 15 years ago

    by Beautiful Forever

    Even if it wasn't what you were feeling, you wrote on this title wonderfully... The flow and word usage were amazing! It was just very-well put together... 5/5!

  • 15 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy


    this is so very sad..just how much pain can one person endure?

    I like the way you describe tears as blood. The increased blodd loss seeping a life away as it weakens their life force, their will to live with another, their will to live at all.

    Well done on this vivid write. I know you say this is not about you, but we all know that to write such sadness, you have to had experienced sadness to at least some level...again well done.


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