Heart (Sijo)

by Sylvia   Mar 14, 2009

Heart, shattered beyond repair, how can you ache this much?
As time passes, learn to love again, and the pain will certainly cease.
Pieces put back together by love, Heart, now you are healed.

Copyright © 2009 Sylvia All Rights Reserved
Sijo is a purely Korean poetic form. Bucolic, metaphysical and cosmological themes are often explored. The three lines average 14-16 syllables, for a total of 44-46: theme (3, 4,4,4); elaboration (3,4,4,4); counter-theme (3,5) and completion (4,3). Sijo may be narrative or thematic and introduces a situation in line 1, development in line 2, and twist and conclusion in line 3. The first half of the final line employs a "twist": a surprise of meaning, sound, or other device. Sijo is often more lyrical and personal than other East Asian poetic forms, and the final line can take a profound turn. Yet, the conclusion of sijo is seldom epigrammatic or witty. A witty close to a sentence would have been foreign to the genius of stylized Korean diction in the great sijo periods.


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  • 15 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    I have never tried any of the form in writing and this one i think i wont be able to even if i try :)
    But you surely did it with so ease. Great poem friend.

    all the best and take care

  • 15 years ago

    by sneha

    You have conveyed an excellent message in the most unique way.I loved it.5

  • 15 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Oh wow..an interesting form & I also like
    the message behind it! You make it sound so beautiful & simple...loved the write :)

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    This form has always been something I've been wanting to try and after reading your poem, youve given me more inspiration and made me want to try it even more.. I kept nodding my head as I read this poem, youve said a lot with a short few lines. A heart gets shattered, aches, but after a while.. it learns to love again and pieces are put back together after time.

    Beautifully written, well done.


  • 15 years ago

    by Ingrid


    I love this difficult format. It's not supposed to have a title, though.(or so I've read!)

    I love this message and I suppose you are right, my friend:)

    * a really big huggggggg*

    5/5 Ingrid