Never Regret

by iFallToPieces   May 21, 2009

Take a razor; sign your name to my wrist,
Let everyone know, it was you that left me like this.
Drops of red, fall to the floor,
Tear drops stain my cheek; I can not take this any more.

What did I do, for you to cause so much pain?
Now I will never be able, to trust again.
My escape is my best friend, but it is me, who I blame,
None of this would have started, if I did not fall for your stupid game.

Whenever I see you, I remember the pain,
The scars are not on show, but I can feel them again.
The memories of the nights, I sat alone in my room,
Alone with my blade, I erased all my gloom.

They will never know, how much it hurt,
Not just rejected, but treated like dirt.
I should never have bothered, and should never have cared.
We were just friends, I should never have declared.

The way I felt, it was stupid and dumb,
I should never have told you, because now I feel numb.
So I will take this razor, to my wrist,
And I think about the things I have to reminisce.

I feel the blood, roll down my arm,
Were you the only cause, for my self harm?
I guess you weren't, you were just the start,
And ever since then, I have fallen apart.

With no other way to escape from the pain,
I use my knife, again and again.
Many things happened, that I would like to forget,
But my self harm, I will never regret


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