Untitled 2

by iFallToPieces   May 23, 2009

She feels so confused; she doesnt want to be here,
She doesnt want them, to pretend that they care.
She had been planning her suicide for quite awhile,
She may have looked happy, but it was just a fake smile.

She hides her thoughts from everyone; she hides them so well,
She doesnt want them to know, she is living through hell.
She doesnt understand, whats going on,
She can not understand why she cant stay strong,

No one knew, how many times she had cried,
The scars on her arms, showed the amount of times she had tried.
She never succeeded, and she doesnt know why,
She doesnt feel worth it, and she really wants to die.

The scars are just memories, all the hurt and pain,
Of how many times she cut, over and over again.
No one really knows, but she doesnt want it to end,
She doesnt want to stop; her knife is her friend,

The only thing she wants to end, is her own life,
She just wants to leave, and end all this strife.
She has her best friend, she has her blade,
It is all she needs, to make her memories fade.

She feels so confused, and she wants it to end,
She can not seem to live, with a heart that just wont mend,
She is tired of heartache; she is sick of the pain,
She wants everything back; she would like to be able to trust again.

But she knows that wont happen, everybody will continue to lie,
She will never work out the truth, until the day she finally dies.
She is waiting for that day, so she can find someone to love,
For the only place she thinks shes worth is up above.


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