The Angelic Police State

by RainbowSlider   Aug 18, 2011

They fly around in their interceptors
On the prowl for law breaking defectors.
Praise be to their hero legendary Mad Max
With all night donuts shops they relax.

Then off to the races they resume speed
With dangerous criminals they intercede.
And with divine GPS they miss each other
Except to hide behind signs you discover.

Batman like radar and ingenious computers
Are on their dashboards for those intruders.
With haloed hats and winged pens they write
Tickets for violators and those that blight.

With rainbow colored lights they dazzle us
Even to those who do not raise such a fuss.
Those long flashlights with many 'D' cells
Help them to put perpetrators in nice jails.

So that we can rest peacefully in our homes
Long as upon the busy streets we don't roam.
We look out our windows scared to get outside
Lest they run us over in their angelic pride.


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