Sail (Sequel)

by Meme   May 19, 2013

A follow up to

My Dearest Admiral,

This letter is now drowning
in my seas, but my pen is
going to sail for the last time
in between these lines.


You see, I had to ride the
waves of your departure
only to find myself lost in
the middle of your absence.

And believe me I have tried;
Oh I have tried to sail away
from that harbor. But your
winds were so strong, they
kept propelling me to the
verge of insanity
to where it all started.

Standing by the rails of
your ship .. chasing out the
doubts of love I understood
the saltiness of the wind and
the melodies of the sea. I was
swimming in my thoughts while
you sailed yours for my reach.

.. and thats where I found the
final harbor. It's your heart Sir;
your heart was my anchorage!

Until the final sail,
still .. Yours

© Copyright 2013 by: gIrL


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  • 10 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Judge Comment:

    Meme has once again, penned a marvelous poem; A sequel to carry on the beautiful tail of a woman waiting for her love at sea.

    The tone of old spirited love leaves me seeing a woman standing at the harbor, writing her lover and intentions of bringing him home.

    The gut wrenching heartache of distance between two souls is evident in this piece... She penn's a beautiful ending of true love, waiting for her Admiral to come back to her arms.

    The romance is truly felt from start to finish.. Beautiful, beautiful, piece!! Well Done!

  • 11 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    completely and utterly in love.

    I will leave better comments on BOTH of these soon! I promise.

    Nominated! <3
    added to my favorites, of course.

  • 11 years ago

    by Maple Tree


    You have captured the elegance of this piece, and added a sequel of greatness to a beautiful poem... She would have loved this addition... She also would have wanted this piece nominated, so I did... its breathtaking Meme <3

    • 11 years ago

      by Meme

      Thank you Andrea, this means a lot to me

  • 11 years ago

    by Meme

    Thanks guys :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    The first one, was a great write, and when I realised this was the sequel to that I was squealing with excitement :)

    The follow on works well, this was just as smooth and captivating, the imagery and metaphors are absolutely marvellous.

    The tone of a strong love, surviving distance, still being strong, really beautiful and how it can pull you in and keep you there...lovely

    Fantastic penmanship once again, Meme xxx