Isn't Enough

by Amy   Jul 2, 2004

It isn't enough
to be the smartest in class
or to have the best grades
and to always pass

It isn't enough
to always do whats right
to get along with everyone
and never get in fights

It isn't enough
to be strong and brave
and not shed a tear
when you visit my grave

It isn't enough
to cook and clean
look after your sisters
when your still just a teen

It isn't enough
to please your dad
to make him proud
to make him glad

It isn't enough
to make him smile
when hes out getting trashed
all the while

In the end
it wasn't enough
you tried to be brave
and you tried to be tough

It wasn't enough
cuz now your here
in heaven with me
you shed your last tear

It wasn't enough
so you took up that knife
and with one slash
you ended your life

You regret it now
you know it was dumb
but i still love you
cuz ill always be your mum

I know you worked hard
and really tried
to keep it together
after i died

It wasn't enough
but your tried your best
don't worry anymore
just close your eyes and rest

Here in heaven
we'll always be
mother and son
just you and me


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  • 19 years ago

    by Danielle

    aww that was so damn beautiful :-(

  • 19 years ago

    by Melissa

    Hey!! thats a good poem i really like the ending..keep uo the good work