I believe ...

by Larry Chamberlin   Sep 27, 2013

I believe ...

That any land whose streets
are paved in gold is peopled
by a suffering lower class;

That all religions worldwide
are fatally flawed despite all,
yet there is Something Beyond;

That we owe our lives to those
we bring unwilling to life &
to those who raised us up;

That we all share in common
a fundamental sense of honor,
justice & redemption by acts;

That few of us are fortunate
enough to realize our dreams
but all can share in fulfillment;

That in finding who we are
we create a path toward
who we may become;

That all life is bound as one -
predators and prey, saints
and those who turn away.


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  • 8 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    I'm surprised to see there were no comments on this poem and thought will read and see what your believes and views are.

    That any land whose streets
    are paved in gold is peopled
    by a suffering lower class;

    ^^This I totally agree with because half the time it is the politicians who rob the people while they become rich and I liked the way you have worded it "paved in gold is peopled by suffering lower class" That imagery here is vivid for it shows the litter/homeless/helplessness of the people.

    That all religions worldwide
    are fatally flawed despite all,
    yet there is Something Beyond;

    ^^I could't agree more! Yes there is something beyond us and beyond our understanding.

    That we owe our lives to those
    we bring unwilling to life &
    to those who raised us up;

    ^^When we share this feeling and feel appreciated a true understanding arises. "That we owe our lives to others" responsible-I was once told by my grandmother nothing belongs to us or is ours for there are others behind our story.

    We as well as every creature and being are part of a life cycle and there is no "ME" or "I". This is something that should be read by all and understood.

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