The Unrequited Love of my Curry

by Saerelune   Apr 17, 2014

Upon crowning my tongue with cayenne-thick lust,
I found myself waning, an organ of rust.
For when my spoon struck, a tastebud-melee,
I found out at last, my curry must hate me.

But how come my love, must grow into heat,
grinding my stomach, frustrating teeth.
It's not fair to be scolded, but I'm scorned to a degree,
I found out at last, my curry must hate me.

So I curl up in bed, still tasting its fever,
proving my tongue to be a failed receiver.
For when my nails yellowed, remindful of impiety,
I found out at last, my curry must hate me.

10:25 PM

I wrote this with the intention of writing a Kyrielle, but forgot each line had to be 8 syllables, oops.


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  • 10 years ago

    by Everlasting

    I find this piece humorous!

    I think that many can relate to this poem, the last line which is the refrain didn't bother me. I mean it was repeated thrice for obvious reasons, but Actually, I didn't even noticed that it was repeated until I read the poem three times.

    The only thing that I can't make sense it's the title. Probably my interpretation is not correct but I interpret it as, you don't like the curry but the curry does like you.

    And in the poem, you found out at last, that the one that does not like you is the curry.

    the curry hates you, so I would have assume the title to go like " my curry's unrequited love towards me" ha! meaning you like the curry but the curry hates you, and upsets your stomach, etc.

    though actually, if the above title is the way it is and if I interpreted it correctly:
    then the line " I found out at last, can indicate some type of twist within the poem?

    if my interpretation of the title is backwards because I don't fully understand the word "unrequited" then is still a great poem. I enjoyed the read and it made me think... XD

    • 10 years ago

      by Saerelune

      Hmm I wasn't quite sure what grammar-word would go with unrequited love so it's not odd you're confused (I am too!). Unrequited love, I meant it as ... love that is not returned. My love for curry isn't returned by the curry. :P Ah, I think I should replace "towards" for "of". Thanks!

      Well it's actually about how I love curry but curry seems to hate me. I love curry but I can't stand spiciness, so the curry must hate me for stinging me with such spiciness. :P I guess my tongue just isn't made for curry. If that makes sense.

      That's a lot of curry in one comment.

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