I am somebody

by Brenda   Apr 9, 2016

I wrote this for a young lady I work with. She has a rather contentious relationship with her adoptive parents, I guess she doesn't meet their exacting standards.

I'm not so sure
where I land in your life
do I matter?
Do you even care
how much pain
you dole out
by the heaping spoonful
sometimes coated in sugar,
most times not...
because that would be bad,
now wouldn't it?
You give and you take.
things can go
semi ok or really bad
depending on your moods
that day
becoming judge, jury, and executioner
in one fell swoop...
I know I don't meet
your exacting standards,
don't exactly fit that "perfect" mold
you have in your head
but I am somebody
I do matter
I have dreams,
I am talented,
I'm smart and cute and funny
all in my own way...
It's not your "way"
and that should
be ok
because I like
who I am
I won't be forever
under your thumb
your give and take
won't touch me
like you want it to
and that's ok
because it's made
me stronger
my star will continue
to shine
long after
all your efforts to extinguish
have failed
I am somebody...I do matter....


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  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Hello Brenda

    When reading through this I was tempted to point out the dangers of the adoptive relationship, but then I realised that would have been utter nonsense. Most parents who adopt love that child as much as any blood relationship and what you have described in this poem is often evident with latter sort anyway.
    All it comes down to ultimately is bad parenting. Too many seem capable of that.

    Powerful piece. All the best

    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you Ben- I totally agree with the bad parenting. I don't know if they started out with good intentions and just got lost along the way or just never had it in them at all. Some people should not be parents-take care-Brenda

  • 8 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    This is sad. Trying hard to live up to their standards and no matter what it's not satisfying. Thanks she has you to give her reassurance that she is a lovely human being. She can't hear those words enough. Well done

    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Thank you Dagmar,your words mean a lot. All of us that work with her let her know what an awesome young lady she is. We just keep reminding her this won't be forever and to keep her head up.

  • 8 years ago

    by Em


    This is full of emotion and it's lovely that you wrote this for her because everybody has worth. This lady will shine and has you say will continue to shine long after she has left their establishment. I really hope you showed this to her. God bless her and you.


    • 8 years ago

      by Brenda

      Aww thanks Em! Yes, I did show her this, she really is a lovely girl, I just don't understand her parents. They adopted a bi-racial child and now make her feel like she's not good enough in her own skin because she doesn't look like them? I just don't get it...If you wanted a blond hair blue eyed child why didn't you adopt one of those? I always tell her it's not forever, one day she'll be on her own and free of all that, just to hang in there for now, it will get better.

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