Alternate reality

by Mr. Darcy   Sep 23, 2017

Orange bleeds to dreary inky dusk . . .

I haul leaded legs over a hill,
to a vision so familiar, yet strange;
like a photo of shops – altered. . .

somehow -

The marrow is there in my sight,
but it’s the flesh that don’t smell right.


It seems secure, so why do I sense
a sudden pain, like a driving blade,
sharp and cruel, deep within me?


Rain pours, drowning my motion
and with it, my meadow memories.
Change was inevitable, wasn't it?

SLAP! A branch greets my face:

Welcome to the swamp –
undoubtedly, full of rich, complex life,
of that, I’m sure!?

© 2017 - Mr. Darcy


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  • 6 years ago

    by CJ Maleney

    Judging comment

    "Alternate Reality" By Mr Darcy (4 points)

    Sometimes I read a poem and think this sounds familiar. Not familiar as in I have read it before. Familiarity of thought.

    This poem talks. It talks about knowing someone and loving them. It talks about change. A thing that is inevitable and sometimes we are not prepared or ready for such a thing.

    But there is also the rain! Sometimes that downpour has a cleansing effect and the branch that slaps you in the face may be the one to cling to if the rain does not cease.

    This is a truly resonating poem and I think many will agree a well deserved nomination and worthy of my vote.

    Thank you (4)

  • 7 years ago

    by Mark

    Wonderful imagery and a creative ending. A pleasure to read a seasoned poet at play.

  • 7 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


  • 7 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Thanks, Brenda.

    I'm not even sure exactly what was the specific inspiration. Lol


  • 7 years ago

    by Brenda

    Michael, love this and I have missed your writes! I read some of your comments on this and I decided I would throw my thoughts in too. I saw this as your move to your new home, it's familiar but it's not. Some days I'm sure you felt you were miring about in a swamp. House renovations can be daunting, moving can be daunting, change can be daunting...I would think there is more than one day you feel like you entered the twilight zone-

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