Sine Malitia -Without Malevolence-

by Menico Sottile   Aug 3, 2022

Sine Malitia
-Without Malevolence-

My daughter RL reads quite well
in spite of being trisomy twenty-one
In explaining of the difficult words the meaning
I am for her the magic wand
At her birth the experts inferred
arrangements in an Institution
A rejection we preferred
Now she even reads
of our country the Constitution

Papa -she asks-
what means
form a more perfect union
establish Justice
insure domestic Tranquility
provide for the common defense
promote the general Welfare
secure the Blessing of Liberty

It means
no matter what color
what religion or moral
and gender preference
we all must enjoy
the same laws and defense
from the harmful people
who usually seek to “destroy”

All of us shall receive for instance
from dangers protections
benefit from social assistance
with love and good intentions

And Papa
what is Militia
-with capital “M”-

It is a Latin word for
an Army of soldiers
in the service of a nation
organized and trained to defend it
from other countries’ malice
-in Latin malitia-

why do people shoot others
with their guns

Those individuals with guns
are not obeying the Constitution
of the United States of America
because on this document
in the second amendment
-without flounder nor “bologna”
it is written
we have the right to bear Arms
as Armies of soldiers
necessary to the security of the State
-meaning the entire nation-
since it is spelled with the capital “S”
bearing Arms was meant to give just
such a dictate
and never to the used
as private individuals
to others eliminate

the reason Arms
in this context
is always spelled with capitals
and never with a small “a”

The Constitution
is a very good thing
-for our nation-
why so many people then
don’t care about giving it
a “seconding” and an ovation



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  • 1 year ago

    by El_Mabini

    Excellent! abreast of the latest issues.