
About El_Mabini

I see people as subjects for my poem, and I idolize Apolinario Mabini who is a poet .

Profile of El_Mabini

  • Age : 21
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : Philippines
  • Joined : Aug 28, 2016
  • Last Visit : 3 weeks ago
  • Poems : 123
  • Comments : 26
  • Quotes : 7
  • Posts : 1
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By El_Mabini

  • If the more you hate
    Means the more you love...

  • I arrived and stood at the widened door
    Sepia toned wall welcomed my arrival...

  • People called it weird, i called it gift.
    I couldn't stay so I went astray...

  • For years, Jane wandered,
    Beside the evangelical parade...

  • Bye for now darlin'.
    Roads of our path...

Latest Quotes By El_Mabini

  • Even though the mind forgets a lot. The heart will always remember even if your the greatest evil heart in the world.

    7 years ago
    0 0
  • Live every second of your life to the fullest with no regrets,no worrying about pain, griefs or negative vibes. because another second is your hope to your life to continue living.

    7 years ago
    0 0
  • Everyday of our life is like a battlefield. The more you are attacked, the more you are hurt. But the more you are hurt, the more you become stronger and standing at the field, ready to fight again.

    7 years ago
    0 0

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