Little Sister

by *Sherrie*   Mar 16, 2005

You danced
Spinning, arms opened wide
As if to embrace the sunset
A child of sunshine, of innocence
So far removed from me
Such a perfect picture
Of what I could never be
So far above me you danced
Face gleaming in the sunlight
So niave and beautiful
May the world show no cruelty to you
Not yet, not so soon
May you never understand
The tears that glisten on my face
May every touch be loving hands
May you never feel life’s a waste
May your heart be always tender
Not as mine, cold as stone
May you never be a pretender
May you never feel so alone
That you cannot taste the sunset
That you can’t live and breathe and be
May you never lose life’s hunger
May you never be like me

*** I wrote this about my lil sister... It all came from the heart ...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ashli

    good job! i really like this, and i feel exactly the same way about my lil sister (not biologically related, but i still love her all the same)

  • This Was Absolutely Beautiful 5/5! xoxo-Nikki-xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Shy

    This is great
    i can tell it came straight out of your soul

  • 19 years ago

    by *liZ*

    this is very good I like the whole thought, flow, and sturcture. and yes, you can tell it's from your heart.
    great work 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by No Motiv?

    "Spinning, arms opened wide
    As if to embrace the sunset
    A child of sunshine, of innocence"
    I love love love LOVE this part! So full of beautiful imagery!
    Besides that, this poem, all in all, is just amazing. So....expressive, so sincere....I absolutely love it!

    Christa//No Motiv?

    Also, thanks for the wonderful comments =)