This Place

by Lauraballz   May 24, 2005

I meander the path of jealous swayed grass,
To be frowned on by envious skies.
As I tread sneering ground in this place of regret,
The tears begin drowning my eyes.

I pass through the forest of sniggering trees,
As the weeds feel the shame and then rot.
The streams don't forgive me and show no remorse,
Reflecting the thing's I'd forgot.

But if I carry on with my walk in this place,
I'm soon to find valley's beyond.
Where I'm kissed by the rays of the sweet sunshine's prayers,
And I've something to feel I am fond.

Where the clouds move as one colored holy pure grey,
To be blessed by the rain as it falls.
Where the flowers stand tall to be equal with me,
And the land is long ridden of fools.

Where the wind carries truth as it sweeps through my hair,
And the leaves in the Autumn scream hope.
Chinese Whispers are played by the stars in the night,
To bring strength to the one's who can't cope.

Yet I still wake to find that I'm here in this place,
Where the bad always happens it seems.
But till I give up hope of finding this place,
I'm sleeping on broken dreams.



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  • 19 years ago

    by ntv650

    Heyhey Laura mine wasnt really about my idea of paradise. Read it carefully... Im actually refferring to the start of the world. How no-one was there to witness it and how when we have died there will be nothing to know we existed.. but yea is still quite spooky, like ur abstract adjectives in this one!

  • 19 years ago

    by SammiBABY

    so sad..yet so true i relate so much to what you write. u have made a conection with me now! good work
    love always sammi