Tell me....

by Alyssa   Jul 2, 2005

Tell me...
why people are living
like they do

homeless standing on
street corners

people are living for money
they would jump off a bridge
for a penny

people killing there own brother
they say they deserved it

they are blamed for others mistakes

laws are not followed by their makers not now

Is this life?
No, this is what people make of it.

**I know this isn't very good, I just was thinking and had to put something on paper....please comment and vote please!***


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  • 18 years ago

    by brooke

    i'm with yah on this one, its seems like people are really greedy these days that all that matters is how much money they have in there pockets. i go to a school where all the rich kids in are town have complete control and can get away with any thing cuz there parents have money. i love this poem its true keep writing and expressing how you feel.

  • 18 years ago

    by Victoria

    Good poem you have raised some good issues keep it up!

    take care

  • 19 years ago

    by :::HOPE:::

    thats really good!

  • 19 years ago

    by Lynz

    You write about what you see, hear or are a very physical writer, it seems- much like all of us on this site. Don't be afraid to broaden your horizons on topics, and never be afraid to experiment! Keep writing. Thanks for your comment on my poem " My Creed"

    love always,

  • 19 years ago

    by Laura Elizabeth

    omgsh thanks so much again! idk this is like the coolest thing ever! i just like being able to express myself thru this kinda stuff ya kno? lol well thanks again u have no clue how much ur comments mean to me right now!

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