The life of a cutter

by teresa   Jul 26, 2005

The life of a cutter
no one can explain
why they hurt themselves
to help cure their pain

the life of a cutter
no one ever knows
why they do what they do
here's how it goes

they wake up every morning
into a world of hate
not wanting to go on
not wanting to meet their fate

they walk around all day
being ridiculed and taunted
the feeling of happiness
is all they ever wanted

they try to sleep at night
but they're afraid of dreaming
scared of the haunting nightmares
scared to wake up screaming

the life of a cutter
no one can understand
all they want is to be loved
all they need is a helping hand

the life of a cutter
is no life at all
to never be able to get up
to stay down when you fall

the life of a cutter
is a terrible twist of fate
to have to cut your skin away
to let go of all your hate

the life of a cutter
no one can explain
why they hurt themselves
to help cure their pain


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  • 19 years ago

    by Melanie

    This poem is so good im not kidding it flowed really niceliy and it sounded so natural you should never stop writing i can totally relate and check out some of mine