I am fading now

by TeArS R FaLLiNg   Aug 4, 2005

She has changed from the person
That she was before
She no longer acts the same
I do not know her anymore

She is not the same girl
She does not enjoy the same things
She no longer feels the comfort
That a warm hug normally brings

She just does not feel happy anymore
She just does not care
She is sick of people and life
Does not want anyone there

She has snapped again
And you all just stand around
Watching as she slowly slips
You watch her as she drowns

She does not want help anymore
Does not need a helping hand
It is too late now
To late to understand

She is going now
Going far away
She is fading now
Forgetting today.


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  • 18 years ago

    by ~â‚£ading |nspiration~

    She is going now
    Going far away
    She is fading now
    Forgetting today.

    I'm slowly fading away too,
    But i don't think i'll ever forget.

  • 19 years ago

    by rachyBBY

    I liked your poem, it was really good..keep it up!

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