Alone I Bear the Burden

by Serendipity08   Sep 11, 2005

Why me?
What's happening to me?
It never used to be this way
but now pain is all I see
Please someone help me!

I'm locked inside my head
lost, confused, and lonely
desperately do I seek myself
is my quest futile?

Will I ever find the answers that I seek?
I have lost my way
I've never been so weak
I thought I was strong
but now I know the truth
I can't take it any longer
I need help but what's the use

I used to be an honors student
but 2 years have now gone by
my A's have turned to B's and C's
my transcript makes me cry

too many expectations
I can't let anyone down
but inside my heart is breaking
my smile, it's now a frown

I'm so scared
my mask is slipping
I'm afraid to trust again
what if I'm betrayed
oh, who dare I befriend

Inside, I really am aware
that no one can shoulder the burden I hold
those weaker then I would falter
those I love left out in the cold

those outside I beg for guidance
my soul cries out the truth, help?
No one can help me,
I have far too much to lose

None I love could bear the burden
It would cause them too much pain
I'll just have to grin and bear it
and alone my soul will remain

I know I must fight alone
but those I love are by my side
they may not share the burden
but they wipe the tears I've cried

Life's not all that bad you know
though faith I've yet to see
I patiently await the day
When someone will set me free


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  • 18 years ago

    by TeArS R FaLLiNg

    Hey i loved this i can really relate to this xxx 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by TeArS R FaLLiNg

    Hey i loved this i can really relate to this xxx 5/5