
by Millions   Sep 18, 2005

When death stares you in the face
And "depression" takes control
Your friends can only understand you,
When you reveal to them your soul

When the tears take over
You've finished with being strong
There's nothing left within you, except,
The human instinct to hold on

You think a thousand reasons to be happy
Yet a million more for you to cry
When there's no strength in your body
But still you try and try

When the hollow voice of sanity
Screams what you're feeling is wrong
You have to believe and believe and believe
And with that thought you must soldier on.

For that is what you are, a soldier
Battling a desperate war
Because when you've won, you'll realize -
It was more, than all worth fighting for.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Matters

    I hate poems like this...

    Which makes them hard to comment on because what is there to critize or judge? It's perfect.

    Thanks for the comment on my poem Anorexia Part II... I have a Part I if you want to read that...


  • 18 years ago

    by Nicole

    I love ytour work and your the same age as me and that's so insperational!

  • This is such a great poem, i love it, you are a great writer, keep on writing it does help when you want to get everything out! can you please check out my 2 poems a life of total unhappiness and goodbye everyone (4 real) please comment on them it would mean alot! mwah if u need someone to talk to im here luv always maddison xxx

  • 18 years ago

    by *SoConfused1212*

    You have no uplifting this poem is..just thanx