My Glass Remains

by Vic   Oct 27, 2005

An eternity's passed but the feeling hasn't faded.
I'm hoping she's seen how long I have waited.
My eyes, which light with affection, are brimming with tears.
Just as hers are, but sadly, they're not for me.
All the while we speak, my heart weighs down.
Nothing... I can do for her.. except with her frown.
The sadness and emptiness expand within my heart.
No matter how much I want to, I can never depart.
Bound by chains representing my oath.
There is no direction for which I can go.
I'm sunk, and the struggling shows no reward.
My piteous soul cut by my poor heart's shards.
I thought it was over, though my life hasn't ended.
My insides, through her words, are so twisted.
I doubt that she knows I love her much still.
So much... that for her I'd gladly get killed.
I fear she doesn't love me anymore.
That's a sharp stab at my chest's center core.
I listen to her pain, and try intently to help.
But no matter what I did, I couldn't lift what she felt.
If I can't even help her as the friend that I am,
What makes me think I can hold her hand?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Princess09

    Good poem, i dont know if you have experienced this but i have, only with a guy! it sux but you gotta keep goin and look at the good!

  • 18 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    Good good good! so sad yet excellent! wow. 5/5.
    ~*Who Cares?*~