Comments : How Do You Want To Die?

  • 18 years ago

    by Once an Angel

    WOW! That poem really hit me b/c I have tried to kill myself about 8 times in my life almost succeeding so yeah. I am basically over trying to die, but I am still trying to find a good reason to live for so this poem was very inspiring. Thanks.

    -Tainted Mikochan

  • 18 years ago

    by Dean Russell-Rands

    I loved it - you captured so much - it was built up and up and then your answer just relieved it all and I felt it and although I'm feeling slight down at the moment it cheered me up made me see the light you know? well done and thankyou =)

  • 18 years ago

    by master of shadow

    This is a very good poem. its original and could even be seen as inspiring to some.

  • 18 years ago

    by LadyPearl

    Interesting, a thinking poem...keep it up

  • 18 years ago

    by Samantha

    Wow this was very interesting! it was well thought and really made me think... i really liked it! keep up the good work!


  • 18 years ago

    by Void

    Lol I like that ending, it was like the comical relief almost. The whole way through though, it made me rethink my answer. Usually I'd say, in my bed, but you're right, I'd be leaving my dead body for a loved one to find me... I don't know if I'd want that.... Well anyway, I don't exactly want to think about that, so I'll just say, well done! Really unique. Keep up the good work!

  • 18 years ago

    by David Paul

    I'm a big fan of the darker poems even though about half of mine are the sappy love poems. I loved it. It made me think alittle. good job. 5/5 David

  • 18 years ago

    by Katlynn

    Amazing job. I think you did an amazing job on this. I don't think anyone had a concept of that before. And my answer is the same as yours i don't want to die yet i'm to young. keep it up. keep on writing you have really great talent. love always and forever.

  • 18 years ago

    by Sherry Lynn

    I have pondered that question so many times in my life. My fear is that my death will be the results of my ex husbands hands.... I pray otherwise

    I agree with you however... My answer too is Not Yet


  • 18 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Good answer great poem oustanding question 5>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • 18 years ago

    by Russell

    That was a great poem....Amazing.Your a great poet.A young one at that, but i dont have much room to talk i am only a year older.Anyways,great poem.Keep up the good work


  • 18 years ago

    by Live, Laugh, Love

    For being 12 years old that was really deep. I'm Completely amazed by how talented you are. Great job 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by pseudo

    Great people something to think about... very well written and well thought out with a great message! it also inspires people and what a great way you ended loved! =)


  • 18 years ago

    by Sierra Rae

    I really really liked that! I absolutely love the last stanza...i don't even know what to say. It doesn't have a set rythm (sp?) at least how I was reading it and I usually don't like poems like that but it really worked in this one...Great Job, 5/5!

  • 18 years ago

    by Robert

    Its a really good poem, brings a lot of thought after it...

  • 18 years ago

    by firexflys

    Aww this is really good never really thought about it keep it up 5.5

  • 18 years ago

    by gasping for air

    Nice job, your young, but good for such a young person (no offense meant) at first i didnt like it that much but the ending was really powerful. i think its awesome that you want to live.. you dont seem (through this poem) that your like a lot of teenagers, who are depressed to the point that they consider suicide. thats good, i am one of those teenagers and i hope taht you never have to deal with what comes with that...
    if you ever need to talk or just want someone to chat with my email is
    or you can im me on aol instant messenger: brattlovepancake
    keep up the great work

  • 18 years ago

    by lee

    Yeah, I think tha's my answer too. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Becky

    Wow i love poems that make you think, and this one did it is very good i like the whole idea i just love it lol. very very good woork i hope to see some new poems by you

    lots of love


  • 18 years ago

    by Bridgette

    Wow this is really good. It's very thought provoking & powerful. I love the way that you ended it. & as for the answer, I agree with you.. not yet!! Great job! 5/5**