
by Michelle Gee   Jan 7, 2006

Tonight I cry myself to sleep
She betrayed me.
The one person I trusted and believed in
My hero and my Saviour.
You were my reason for living.
I am so disappointed.
You didn't just betray me.
You did it with her.
The person I hate the most,
The one who makes my life hell!
How could you?
Just know every tear I shed tonight
Was for you and what you have done.
You broke my heart,
Its empty now but you did teach me something.
Hero's are overrated.
They're fakes, just phonies,
pretending to be perfect like they're angels.
But in the end they always show their true colors
They break your heart
and disappoint you so much.
Even when you've already had so much disappointment in your life they do it.
They're selfish and are posers.
So I cry tonight,
not only for my loss,
but for you and all the other people you will devastate in this lifetime and the next.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Bleeding Mascara

    U must b hurting alot to write about it i hope u get hope for this wold one day