I hate myself

by alive in death   Feb 1, 2006

I hate myself

in a hole, to solidify..

recreating the ground thats been dug up.

the ground symbolizes my past,

and i want to recreate all that's in it.

i will turn a blind eye.

oblivious to the truth.

building a new identity.

only to rupture it again.

don't you see me struggle?

don't you see me in need?

you watch me all the time.

how can you mistake my pain?

so I'm back again,

with a new plan.

this time i will show the world what i really am....

i am a liar

i am a bigot

i am a racist

i am a homophobic

i hate my family

i hate my life

i hate all my achievements

and i hate that i still try to strive.

how can you blame me?

to want to recreate my past?

to recreate my everything?

i don't belong here, the way i am, i need to start over...

I'm just not sure that i can.


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  • 18 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    This poem is so sad..but i know how you feel you jsut wish you coudl go back intime and erase your past and start over again and change who GOd created you to be..btu u cant which more than suxs sumtimes.

    i am so sry you hate urself sumtimes..evryone does...but face it we're sinners so thats why we have so much hate..we hate it when others hate asnd condem them yet its so easy for us to hate ourselves..such a contridiction..or maybe i am jsut rambling. ok os keep it up and cheer up buddy ur lvoed!

    always ur friend,

  • 18 years ago

    by Andrea broken tears

    Thats sad
    but i like you for you..you should not hate yourself cause from the comments you gave me your a sweet guy
