The call

by Nelle   Jun 19, 2006

You said you loved me
And you would do anything for me
You bought me this and you bought me that
But what i needed was to be adored

You did everything for me
I was with you every day, and all night
We went through some things
And had many many fights

I never actually thought you would stoop so low
If he didn't call, would you have still bruised my skull
If i didn't talk to him, would you have forever loved me?

The bruises never went away
You hurt my head but mostly my heart
Was it just your alcohol that took over
Or did you completely loose self control

After time i finally forgave you
You said you still loved me
Well if that is the case
You sure do have an odd way of showing it

Things will never be the same between us
I will never forget what you did to me
Only if i never loved him
Only if i never answered that call.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Natalie

    Or did you completely loose self control

    [Lose ..not loose, tehe.]

    Very emotional write, hun. It was so sad. I loved the ending though, t'was strong. You expressed everything so well. Keep it up. 5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by Lovely Bones

    The last lines in this poem are so profound; they just seemed to capture my heart. Great job at expressing your feelings in this one =)

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