To Lissa (myshiningstar14) Thank You

by manic moments   Jun 26, 2006

I'm screaming out for someone to hear me
But no one seems to see
Strangers are watching, strangers are helping
But how come my own parents wont do something?

I'm depressed, I'm sad; I'm at the brink
I don't take the time to sit down and think
I do what I do; I'm trying to find me
And I'll change every single time just to be happy

I'm no one at the moment; I'm hidden behind disguise
I wonder, is this the beginning of my demise?
I write and write my pain into words, I scream at the screen
But no, it doesn't sweep the tears clean

I can't turn to God, he won't see me
I'm not the person I use to be
My hand and others change me
But most of all, my mother's did this to me

I feel like screaming, I feel like crying
But most of all I feel like dying
I haven't cut yet, but doesn't men I wont
Everyone tells me no, don't

My words are written for you all to see
But you all think they're fake, but they are really me
I'm not trying to hide anymore, I laying myself out
I'm ready to scream, I'm ready to shout

Why does it take one stranger to see me?
Why does it take one stranger to see?
I write and write and write away my pain
But no, no one takes the blame

I'm screwed in the head, I know I am
And this little life I have is all a sham
I'm tired of trying to reach out anymore
I think I'll lie down and die on this cold floor

My uncle touched me when I was little
And after all this time, I still feel belittled
I'm not blaming him for making my problems appear
But he's the reason they truly sear

Lissa, thank you for finally seeing me
I am truly trying to be happy
My life is in shambles, my eyes are crying
And sometimes I wish I could turn to the blade and start dying

Lissa, this one is for you
Because you can see the person that is true
Your helping me even though we've never met
And you're a lovely person I bet

You're the stranger that is seeing me for who I am
You're the one who is seeing through my sham
You reaching out to me, you're trying to make me feel
And now I think I'm starting to feel real

I haven't cut yet
And I don't think I will, since we've met
Your turning my life with comments on poetry
And sometimes just your words are self-explanatory

I'm still waiting for my saviour to appear
As I weep my long regretted tear
I may not be religious, I may not understand
But I see that there is some faith that is at hand


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  • 17 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    WOWWWW...aww hunn your so sweet. I am just helpin you bc I love you. I dotn have to ahve met you to know you're a good/special person.

    Also you CAN reach out to God because HE WILL see you. He sees everyone he is just ther waiting for you to call upon Him...I would never turn you astray..I PROMISE YOU. Do you want happiness? A love always filling?? God IS the answer. PLEASE give Him another chance.

    I love you hun. You're so sweet and I thnxs God for you everyday. Keep your head up and please please think about what I;ve said. I am here if you have any questions. :) God bless you sweetheart!!!

    LISSA xoxox

  • 17 years ago

    by X~Angie~X

    That is such a good poem.. i am glad someone is helping you.. u write so beautifully and i love ur poems..

    i really dont think you should start cutting. cuz i did and i wish i didnt.. i have been trying to stop.. but its hard.. so i dont think its a good idea to start..

    this is a great poem.. i can relate kinda.. keep writing.. u r sooo talented.. keep it up..
    stay strong and take care
    i am here if u ever wana talk.. jus email me
    luve angie

  • 17 years ago

    by stargirl49

    Great job, niquee!! i'm sure lissa will love it. i'm one of her friends from school, and i know what how you feel about her. we all feel the same way. :) she moved to utah last week tho, so we're recovering from losing her.
    keep up the awesome work, and i'm here for you too if you need me!!