Happy Birthday (For Willow)

by manic moments   Jul 3, 2006

Happy birthday, sweet girl
The blade resting not far away
Your tears are dripping on the cake
And all those scars that come to betray

Hear them call the words
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday dear..."
You don't listen to that cheery song
You already planning for you next tear

Blow out the candles, see the blood
Why do you see it everywhere you look?
Your eyes are puffy, you blade is calling
Another page is written in your depression book

Open you presents, and cry once more
The blade's calling to you from where it hides
Everyone is watching, everyone is waiting
But still that blade comes out and bides

Happy birthday, sweet girl
You're still cutting to be happy
You stick that smile up for all to witness
But leave the scars for them to see

Rock yourself while others laugh
Hum the song that always understands
To and fro, to and fro, you go
Until you see the blood on your hands...

What a beautiful birthday party
With coloured streams in the air
But now, sweet girl, your on the floor
And now your blood is spilling without a care

Confetti is raining down into your blood
Everyone's screaming, joy forgotten
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear..."
The beautiful birthday party gone rotten

Happy birthday, sweet girl
Willow, your fifteen, your dead
Tami's screaming, so is Ashleigh
All these images inside our heads

Your happy smile is fading now
Lisa's sobbing, Amelia's crying
Margi's pleading, Nannon's lost
But now, my sweet girl, you're dying

Willow, Willow, oh so sweet Willow
That blade was calling for too long
But now sweet girl, we are all there to cry
As you leave us to sing God's song

One little tear rolls down
Your skin is cold beneath our fingers
Willow, where did you go?
Is it me, or does your spirit still linger?

Happy birthday, sweet girl
Niquee is here to cry for you
I remember when we stayed up late the other night
But how did I know this is what you would do?

Amelia, Tami, Ashleigh, Lisa, Nannon, Margi, Niquee
What are we to do without you, sweet girl?
You bleed and bleed, your blood is drying
You're dying, you're going sweet girl

Everyone had smiles on just for you
Everyone was hiding behind the lies
But now you're dying, now you're fading
And now we cant see the life in your eyes

Oh sweet girl, how could we be so blind?
How could we not see these things that happened?
But now you're gone, now we cry
And now our pillows will be forever dampened

Happy birthday, sweet girl
That blade is resting beside you for eternity
Willow, we still cry for you
And now your blood is dampening our morality


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  • 17 years ago

    by Willow

    Oh dom. u make me cry. u beautiful person. i'm sorri i hurt u so much. i love u heaps and i miss u heaps too.
    love from willow xxooxxoo.

    p.s. i'm sending this poem to helen. i'll let u know what she says.