Little Girl Of Suicide

by manic moments   Jul 8, 2006

She stands there in the gloomy halls
A silhouette against the darkness
The little droplets of blood that falls
And leave pools of fermenting life in the starkness

Face paled against the moonlight of death
Her hair rumpled into disarray
Her chest rattles with remnants of her last breath
A breath long gone, late in delay

The halls of purgatory echo with screams
The damned calling for re-demission of sin
Her lost soul wonders its place of deems
Death is hidden underneath her lingering skin

The black tears that had fallen at the end
Stain the dead skin of a fallen angel of arch
The scars on her arms, greetings of an old friend
The blade left its mark

Her arms hang limply at her side
Blood trailing her down the halls of decision
The last tears that she had cried
The death that made sweet precision

Black rimmed be the eyes that no longer see
Staring into the distance, waiting on fate to appear
Her soul is damned, suicides are never free
They never see it, until the blood starts to clear

Against our Father, you had sin
The blood that you allowed to spill
All the scars marring your skin
Did not Satan have his fill?

To the depths, she is thrown away
Down into the flaming pits of black
She falls silently; she had her time to pray
There is no going back

The heated pits of hell engulfed her essence
Her black tears still lingering in purgatory
She walks the flaming roads in hell, she has made her presence
The suicide victim with a story

The little girl who lives in hell
Her blood trailing her wondering soul of damnation
From His good graces, this little girl fell
And the flames of death are her final destination

The black tears, she cries them through hells flames
The lost silhouette of a beautiful essence
Suicide, this is what it names
Suicide brings all this to living presence

The black-rimmed eyes stare at you as you strike with the blade
Her soft call of beaconing, "Come to me..."
Her hands out stretched shall start to fade
When that blade, she can no longer see

"Come to me..." the little silhouette summons
The black tears falling, the blood trailing
The sweet tune of prerogative she hums
To bring them to death, she is never failing

Falling into the black flames of death, of emptiness
The little girl of innocence became the little girl of suicide
Coming to those riddled with loneliness
Are you one of those who had cried?

She will be there in your room
Beaconing you forward, "Come to me..."
The little girl of suicide shall bring you doom
To all you unbelieving suicides, just you wait and see...
Just you wait and see...


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  • 17 years ago

    by Willow

    WOW! dom thats great. u used real feelings in this one.i just hope u don't got that far in real life. i hope i don't either. keep up the great writting and tlk to ya soon.
    love ur friend in ingham,
    Willow xxooxxooxxoo
    miss u heaps