Some Wounds Never Heal

by Phantom Lord   Sep 18, 2006

We're born into this world
We live day to day
Supposed to be our own person
No matter what they say

Through the good and the bad
WE still carry on
Each day a new beginning
Even if our souls are gone

They don't seem to understand
That Some wounds may heal
But we're still left with scars
And nights full of fear

It will get better with time
Get over it and be strong
They don't see the inside
Or they'd realize they're wrong

So some wounds never heal
Each day it's more of the same
Each day a living hell
Trapped by our pain


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  • 14 years ago

    by Sunshine

    A very good written poem, and a realy thoughtful one.
    you spoke of truth, a bitter one over here.. and this
    They don't seem to understand
    That Some wounds may heal
    But we're still left with scars
    And nights full of fear

    was worded in a an excellent way.
    found it flowless..
    and lets agree with the amazing concept you revealed through ur words...
    one: yes time heals but scars may stay there for ever
    two: ppl will never understand.

    you expressed ur self in a gr8 way

    keep writing

  • 18 years ago

    by Christie

    Beautiful poem, i can relate to it. =) 5/5
    keep writing, u have potential and talent,

  • 18 years ago

    by GreenxTea

    I love this. It's just so...I can really relate to it. It was written very well, I'm going to give you a 5.

  • 18 years ago

    by Bitt3rSw33t

    I really loved your poem, I was very interested as I was reading...I just would've loved if you also wrote about what kind of hurt? That way readers aren't really left in the air and your poem in my opinion will have a deeper meaning...but overall very well done...5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Brisa

    Thats how i find myself feeling. i just find it that people don't seem to understand me. but yea. great poem. it's awesome.