Poems by Nanita

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  • My Teenage Sweetheart, Baby Boy
    Mi Amor. Mi Todo. Aqui Estoy...

  • Feeling this pain in my chest more and more each...
    Growing more as the seconds pass because you're...

  • When you were here, that week or two
    i was happy, not one time blue...

  • There comes a time in life when you have to let go...
    all the pointless drama && the people who...

  • Time (2)

    Second after Second, This is just the Beginning
    Hoping this will last and not have an Ending...

  • This is not really a poem
    i just had to write something to get it off my...

  • When you hurt me
    did I cry...

  • Why?? (3)

    They act like they know me
    they act like they care...

  • Your words have scared me
    once again...

  • It's like you had no other choice when you...
    The people you hung with basically controlled your...

  • [[For My Wife, My Hero, My Friend]]
    You're my hero for a hundred different reasons...