
About MorbidCupcake

I am a girl whose really shy and thinks way too much. Loves beautiful lyrics and poetry and is too pessimistic at times. My ipod is almost always in my ears and if not I at least have it with me. I love books about vampires and stalking weird celebrities. Going to concerts and hanging with friends. I always carry a notebook with me to write stuff that I think about or to get what Im feeling down on paper. These are my thoughts, this is who I am. You dont have to love it, just accept it.

I make lots of mistakes and Im used to being told by my parents that I dont have a brain or shouldnt have been born. I mess up because my head is always in the clouds or off in another world. I dont do well under pressure. I break apart and wash away.

Profile of MorbidCupcake

  • Age : 16
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Washington
  • Joined : May 19, 2006
  • Last Visit : 18 years ago
  • Poems : 955
  • Comments : 153
  • Quotes : 94
  • Posts : 215
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By MorbidCupcake

  • I am drunk with the memory of your hands on my...
    My tongue wrapped up in-between your lips...

  • [Into the gray]
    I try hard to please you...

  • You have yet to count the scars on my veins
    but you warn me of death's fingertips, though I...

  • The world is ricocheting;
    bouncing off its axis...

  • What came first, the feeling of love or disaster?
    I'm hot and cold still...

Latest Quotes By MorbidCupcake

  • It use to be the reason I breathe
    but now its choking me up

    15 years ago
    0 0
  • A lie is piled up in order to hide a lie.

    15 years ago
    0 0
  • I live because of you
    Therefore this pain never heals

    15 years ago
    0 0