Poems by Jackie Bilson

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  • Note: Hopefully you'll get the meaning but, this...
    Autumn leaves scattered...

  • Broken (2)

    *This a poem a friend of mine from New Zealand...
    For making me cry a dozen times...

  • You're so morning to my night,
    You're left if I was right...

  • I was a peasant
    But he still saw me...

  • He was thirteen and I was fourteen,
    The most loving couple you've ever seen...

  • In a week I'll be fifteen,
    It's like everyday, I'm getting older...

  • Looking into your eyes,
    makes mine fill with tears...

  • Life's colour drained from your face,
    And your kiss, I no longer taste...

  • My future is up to only one,
    Someone careless and unreliable...

  • I'm a mess,
    Don't look at me...

  • I was love-struck for believing you once,
    I was hopeful for believing you twice...

  • In the reflection, she stares right back,
    Her eyes see blank and impassive...