Anne Moore

About Anne Moore

I found writing as an outlet three years my stuff comes out kinda dark. I don't know what else to say...sorry.

Profile of Anne Moore

  • Age : 18
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA
  • Joined : Apr 2, 2019
  • Last Visit : 10 months ago
  • Poems : 31
  • Comments : 18
  • Quotes : 8
  • Posts : 0
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Anne Moore

  • You know I wanna breathe
    Deeper than this...

  • Among thousands of ordinary people
    You’re the only thing she notices...

  • I broke the promise
    I made a mistake...

  • ily 1

    Love is when no matter what happens you trust them
    It doesn't feel like a chore but instead, a gift...

  • Past (1) 3

    The “gothic” girl you sit next to in math
    Has old scars running up and down her left arm...

Latest Quotes By Anne Moore

  • Live the way you want to be remembered.

    4 years ago
    2 0
  • Why would you choose a single Sunflower when you can have an entire field of Daisy's?

    5 years ago
    1 0

  • Love is like a sweet smelling, bright red blossoming rose
    But we know it's fake- that it's just a pose

    5 years ago
    2 0

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