Favorite Poems of M I L L Y

  • Just Another Girl (5)

    by Karl Wild GG23

    She is the essence of all beauty on earth,
    The exception to the saying nobodies perfect...

  • A Missing Daddy (9)

    by crystaljean88

    Taking care of a little girl,
    not knowing whats ahead...

  • I heard that you're a heartbreaker.
    Is it true...

  • Stand strong (4)

    by LADii JAE

    if summer turned to winter...

  • Men are like.. (43) 1

    by JBoy

    Alright I know im a guy and all but girls are...
    Men are like – Floor Tiles. If you lay them...

  • Downpour (10) 3 HM

    by Stephen

    You're eccentric compared to loves of my past.
    Irregular yet consistent...