ღ Christina ღ

About ღ Christina ღ

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Profile of ღ Christina ღ

  • Age : 13
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, New York
  • Joined : Jan 21, 2005
  • Last Visit : 19 years ago
  • Poems : 69
  • Comments : 375
  • Quotes : 51
  • Posts : 294
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By ღ Christina ღ

  • Love is pain
    In life or in your dreams...

  • .: This is not one of my best written poems but I...
    You are always...

  • Cloud (8)

    This cloud
    Can feel invisible...

  • --For those of you, who already read this poem it...
    Walking to your house...

  • .:This poem is not one of my bests, but its all...
    These braces are annoying...

Latest Quotes By ღ Christina ღ

  • I decided to give up on you
    That you were not worth the wait
    But I realized it was too hard
    Because it’s you I can never hate

    --From My Poem "Why Do I Like You...Again?"

    19 years ago
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  • When I first Saw You
    I thought I was in an airport
    Because You Blew Me Away

    19 years ago
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  • You asked me if I liked you…I said no…and I turned around and whispered that I didn't like you but that I loved you!

    19 years ago
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