Your favorite...

  • DarkCrystalbtrfy
    15 years ago

    1. book
    2. color
    3. pop
    4. car
    5. slushie
    6. singer
    7. ice creme
    8. holiday
    10. poem
    11. quote
    12. word
    13. letter
    14. writing tool
    15. candle scent
    16. food
    17. game
    18. person
    19. candy
    20. fruit
    21. vegtable
    22. flower
    23. natural disaster
    24. soup
    25. tea

  • xToBeWithYoux
    15 years ago

    1. Twilight :D
    2. Red
    3. Cola?
    4. Porsche 911 Boxter
    5. Erm... the blue one?
    6. Muse :)
    7. Chocolate
    8. Florida :)


    10. Before You Were Mine by Carol Ann Duffy
    11. "Epic Fail" Lmao!
    12. Flegen :P
    13. Erm... M
    14. A pen?
    15. Vanilla
    16. Chocolate :)
    17. Kiss chase lmao ;P
    18. That's a toughy ....
    19. Chocolate lmao
    20. Apple
    21. Potato
    22. Rose
    23. Volcano.. they're pretty (from a distance lol)
    24. Tomato
    25. Ehhh! Tea! Ewwwww!


  • Poet on the Piano
    15 years ago

    Yes, I love these!!

    1. book: Twilight, Eragon, Harry Potter
    2. color: Blue and Purple
    3. pop: Root Beer
    4. car: Corvette
    5. slushie: Coke
    6. singer: Paramore
    7. ice creme: Chocolate
    8. holiday: Christmas
    10. poem: The Road Not Taken: Robert Frost
    11. quote:
    12. word: Love
    13. letter: M
    14. writing tool: Pencil
    15. candle scent: Pumpkin
    16. food: Indian
    17. game: Scrabble
    18. person: Don't know
    19. candy: Peanut M&M's
    20. fruit: Banana
    21. vegtable: Peas
    22. flower: Rose
    23. natural disaster: Tornado
    24. soup: Tomato
    25. tea: Green

  • Dark Secrets
    15 years ago

    1. book: don't know what it's called, but it's a thriller with something about people made of mist.
    2. color: orange and green
    3. pop: cola
    4. car: BMW
    5. slushie: the purple one
    6. singer: dunno
    7. ice creme: orange chocolate chip
    8. holiday: Summer
    10. poem: dunno, but my favourite poet is Edgar Allan Poe
    11. quote: Never too old to be young
    12. word: Love
    13. letter: R
    14. writing tool: black ink pen
    15. candle scent: anything that smells like lollies (some fruit type)
    16. food: peperoni pizza
    17. game: Crash
    18. person: my cosin, who is also my best friend.
    19. candy: purple lollypops
    20. fruit: papaya
    21. vegtable: cucumber
    22. flower: sunflower
    23. natural disaster: this ones wierd, umm... floods?!
    24. soup: creamy mushroom
    25. tea: green mint

    15 years ago

    1. book: "The Picture Of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde.

    2. color: Blue.

    3. pop: Soda? Mountain Dew. :D

    4. car: I don't know.

    5. slushie: Ick.

    6. singer: Too many.

    7. ice creme: No idea.

    8. holiday: None.

    10. poem: Many.

    11. quote: No idea.

    12. word: No idea.

    13. letter: B

    14. writing tool: Pencil.

    15. candle scent: Many.

    16. food: No idea.

    17. game: Sorry. :P

    18. person: A few.

    19. candy: Him. ROFL. ;)

    20. fruit: Plantain.

    21. vegtable: Hm. Celery.

    22. flower: Roses.

    23. natural disaster: um..?

    24. soup: Tomato! :P

    25. tea: None.

  • Freckles
    15 years ago

    1. book : The Pact - Jodi Picoult.
    2. color : Green.
    3. pop : Sprite.
    4. car : Range Rover.
    5. slushie : Cherry?
    6. singer : Chris Daughtry!
    7. ice cream : Chocolate.
    8. holiday : last summer!
    10. poem : Hmm I don't know.
    11. quote : Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none. William Shakespeare.
    12. word : oh. < is that even a word? lol
    13. letter : M.
    14. writing tool : Pencil.
    15. candle scent : Vanilla.
    16. food : Pasta!
    17. game : Tetris haha
    18. person : DADDY.
    19. candy : Sour Gumballs.
    20. fruit : Apple.
    21. vegtable : Lemon.
    22. flower : Rose.
    23. natural disaster : huh?
    24. soup : Chicken soup.
    25. tea : TEA is my favourite flavour of tea! :)

  • SoUrNameIsTia
    15 years ago

    1. book : the Halo books =]
    2. color: pink, cream, black, yellow
    3. pop: pepsi products
    4. car: car hah, well i like the YAMAHA orange motor bike thank u, but Bentlys are nice

    5. slushie: grape
    6. singer: hmmm, no clue to many
    7. ice cream: strawberry or some other fatty one
    8. holiday: Thanksgiving, Easter, Halloween and V-day

    10. poems: unexplained and deep, ones that make me think or the ones that make me go "awe" =]

    11. quote: "If you hate your life, get a life."
    12. word: bastard
    13. letter: ????
    14. writing tool: uhhh, crayon
    15. candle scent: depends
    16. food: chinese food, mediteranian
    17. game: Halo!
    18. person: paul =]
    19. candy: 3 Muskiteers
    20. fruit: cherry, apple, grape, nana
    21. vegtable: brocolli
    22. flower: Carnation
    23. natural disaster: lol, volcano erupstion
    24. soup: french onion or Ramen noodle =]
    25. tea: Russian Spice

  • Ari
    15 years ago

    1. Gah I can't choose one.
    2. blue/black
    3. I don't drink it.
    4. Aston Martin... yummy.
    5. the blue one.
    6. um... I don't know.
    7. I like a lot of them.
    8. christmas
    10. the nice ones
    11. Oh goodness, um, "Let's start living life before we die," Is a favorite right now.
    12. "Ska-doosh"
    13. L
    14. pen
    15. something soothing and nice, like rose or vanilla
    16. curry
    17. monopoly
    18. you!
    19. chocolate
    20. mango... or orange... no. strawberries... oh I don't know.
    21. califlower or green beans. YUM!
    22. Rose or plumaria or hibiscus
    23. WTF?
    24. corn chowder
    25. all of it!

  • Lethmelodis
    15 years ago

    1. Alice in Wonderland
    2. Black
    3. Cheerwine
    4. Nissan 350Z
    5. Cherry
    6. David Gilmour
    7. Vanilla
    8. Halloween
    10. The Raven
    11. "I've done alot of bad things and I've done some good things - but I had fun along the way" - Ozzy Osbourne.
    12. F***
    13. Q - so underappreciated.
    14. Pencil
    15. Lavender
    16. Chicken
    17. Mortal Kombat
    18. Amber - my fiance.
    19. Reese's
    20. Lemon
    21. Potato
    22. Hmm, not too sure, I love flowers.
    23. Hmm, tornados.
    24. Chicken Soup
    25. Catnip Tea - excellent tea for insomniacs.

  • Syndicate
    15 years ago

    1. the Inheritance series (Eragon, Brisinger, ect)
    2. blood red and midnight blue
    3. mountain dew, sunkist
    4. idk, one that drives?
    5. cherry
    6. Gackt
    7. oreo
    8. Thanksgiving
    10. don't really have one
    11. "moo, I'm a pig."
    12. dookey
    13. L
    14. tablet and/or mechanical pencil
    15. pumpkin
    16. sugar
    17. Shaiya atm
    18. David Tennant
    19. skittles
    20. watermelon
    21. idk
    22. roses
    23. fires
    24. ramen
    25. rasberry

  • mrsmoore
    15 years ago

    1. Summer House
    2. Yellow
    3. Mountain Dew
    4. VW Jetta
    5. Mountain Dew Slushie
    6. Kristen Chenoweth
    7. Oreo or Strawberry
    8. Christmas
    10. God Must Not Exist By Mark Spencer
    11. Never make someone a priority in your life when you remain an option in theirs
    12. Toodles
    13. K
    14. Pen
    15. Warm clean smells
    16. Lasagna
    17. Rummy!
    18. Mitchel Moore
    19. Don't like candy
    20. Grapefruit
    21. Corn
    22. Tulips
    23. Definetly don't have one
    24. ALL SOUPS!
    25. Tension Tamer Hot tea

  • veeda
    15 years ago

    1. Twilight series of course.
    2. red baby!
    3. ruby red squirt.
    4. haha, volvo. ;o
    5. never tried a slushie..
    6. Amy Lee
    7. cookies-n-cream.
    8. Valentines Day, Halloween, Christmas.
    10. too many.
    11. giving up doesn't always mean you're weak. sometimes it can also mean that you're strong enough to let go.
    12. higgledy-piggledy and comfy. haha.
    13. G. :D
    14. mechanical pencils..or pens. :p
    15. no fav.
    16. spaghetti! tacos! :D
    17. mariooo. :D
    18. my love.
    19. too many!
    20. strawberries. blueberries.
    21. broccoli.
    22. orchid. tulip. zinnia.
    23. uhh... o_O
    24. moose soup. yuuum.
    25. any kind.

  • Not Enough
    15 years ago

    1. book ^^ Freak
    2. color ^^ I don't single out colours
    3. pop ^^ Me
    4. car ^^ The one that drives
    5. slushie ^^ Blue slushie kool-aid flavour
    6. singer ^^ Johnny Cash and Lee Marlow
    7. ice creme ^^ Mango, lemon sherbet
    8. holiday ^^ Easter!!!!111one
    10. poem ^^ All mine!!!111one (narcissist)
    11. quote ^^ "You can bomb our world to pieces but you can't bomb it into peace."
    12. word ^^ Glitter
    13. letter ^^ U
    14. writing tool ^^ FELTS!!!!!111one
    15. candle scent ^^ Vanilla
    16. food ^^ Oranges!!!!!!1111one
    17. game ^^ Twister
    18. person ^^ Me!!!!111one (again, narcissist)
    19. candy ^^ Easter eggs, cream ones and caramel. Basically anything from easter
    20. fruit ^^ Orange!!!!!1111one
    21. vegtable ^^ Broccoli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111one
    22. flower ^^ Ever flower.
    23. natural disaster ^^ Earthequakes.
    24. soup ^^ Tomato.
    25. tea ^^ Gross.

  • Saving Grace
    15 years ago

    1. book - not suree
    2. color - Blue and red
    3. pop - ??
    4. car - umm not sureee. lol
    5. slushie - ummm the red one
    6. singer - P!nk
    7. ice creme - choclate
    8. holiday- camping
    10. poem - umm...This sick old world by Reg Beck? not really sure of a
    11. quote - oh theres heaps lol
    12. word - RAWRR
    13. letter - A
    14. writing tool - ??
    15. candle scent - not sure
    16. food - ummm not sure
    17. game - ohhh this one that maxx told me bout
    18. person - umm
    19. candy - not sure
    20. fruit - mango
    21. vegtable - ummm carrots =]
    22. flower - frangapenni
    23. natural disaster - none..
    24. soup - ummm none lol
    25. tea - i rather coffee

  • DeathsRose
    15 years ago

    1. book-The Outsiders or Gingerbread
    2. color-Baby blue
    3. pop-WTF
    4. car-VW Beatle
    5. slushie-Cherry
    6. singer-Too many to list
    7. ice creme-Anything with peanutbutter in it
    8. holiday-Does my birthday
    10. poem-Too many to list
    11. quote-The only thing you have to fear is fear itself.
    12. word-Purpular
    13. letter-idk
    14. writing tool-Pen
    15. candle scent-Green apple or apple cinamon
    16. food-Popcorn
    17. game-idk
    18. person-My uncle on my mother's side
    19. candy-Reces
    20. fruit-Apple
    21. vegtable-String beans
    22. flower-Lilac
    23. natural disaster-Earthquake
    24. soup-Italian Wedding

  • Grant Gilbert AKA Slash
    15 years ago


  • ShelbyLynne
    15 years ago

    1. The Twilight Saga.
    2. Purple.
    3. Faygo.
    4. Mini Cooper.
    5. The Frutista Freeze from Taco Bell
    6. Too many.
    7. Cherry Garcia.
    8. Halloween.
    10. Things In My Journal - William Stafford
    11. 'magine?
    12. Sh*t.
    13. N.
    14. Pen.
    15. Cucumber Melon.
    16. Pickles.
    17. Car Tag.
    18. Nathan <3
    19. Air Heads.
    20. Apple.
    21. Corn.
    22. Lily.
    23. ?? I hate natural disasters.
    24. Ramen.
    25. Arizona.

  • Chelsey
    15 years ago

    1. book- "Its Kind Of A Funny Story"
    2. color- all of them. except brown.
    3. pop- dr. pepper.
    4. car-chevy impala. i'm so old school. haha.
    5. slushie- blue rassberry.
    6. singer-ronnie day.
    7. ice creme-chocolate.
    8. holiday- valentine's day(:
    10. poem-i can't possibly answer this.
    11. quote- "i'll always be your friend, no matter what you put in your anus" its an inside joke, i guess.
    12. word- kalamazoo. its a town.
    13. letter- i choose not to discriminate against any certain letter, except q. q sucks.
    14. writing tool-pen.
    15. candle scent-any of them that smell good.
    16. food-macaroni and cheese.
    17. game-the sims. haha.
    18. person-nick riley.
    19. candy-i'm not a big fan of candy.
    20. fruit-clementines.
    21. vegtable-brussel sprouts.
    22. flower- rose.
    23. natural disaster- thunder storms count?
    24. soup- i hate all soup.
    25. tea-green tea.

    (: yay.

  • xX the left behind Xx
    15 years ago

    1. book- any thrillers.hha.
    2. color-
    3. pop- dunno. :))
    4. car- BMW
    5. slushie- i dunno..the blue one..hha!
    6. singer- don moen
    7. ice creme- cookies and cream, vanilla.
    8. holiday- christmas.
    10. poem- *shrugs* i dunno.
    11. quote- there's a lot of them.hha.
    12. word- gah. i dunno why. :))
    13. letter- J :)
    14. writing tool- pencil
    15. candle scent- i dunno.hha.
    16. food- pizza! :D
    17. game- anythin as long as i enjoy it. :))
    18. person- shiek. :">
    19. candy- skittles.except the orange one. :))
    20. fruit- apples.
    21. vegtable- carrots.
    22. flower- rose.
    23. natural disaster- uhhh.earthquakes.
    24. soup- crab and corn soup.hha! :))
    25. tea- green tea.

  • Solus
    15 years ago

    1. book- Gaunt's Ghosts.
    2. color- Blue,Black,Purple,Red.
    3. pop- Dr.Pepper
    4. car- Hummer
    5. slushie- Not a fan
    6. singer- Hmm...Right now its Vienna Teng
    7. ice creme- Can't have it.
    8. holiday- Halloween.
    10. poem- The Raven
    11. quote- "Caring is naught but a slower method of suicide ."
    12. word- Why?
    13. letter- Z
    14. writing tool- Pen
    15. candle scent- Vanilla
    16. food- Pizza
    17. game- Don't know.
    18. person- Mother
    19. candy- Reese's
    20. fruit- Blueberry
    21. vegtable- Green Beans
    22. flower- Orchids
    23. natural disaster- I don't have one.
    24. soup- Bacon Cheese
    25. tea- Green tea

  • Twisted Mind Broken Soul
    15 years ago

    1. book- She said Yes
    2. color- Pink
    3. pop- Mt Dew
    4. car- Camero
    5. slushie- Blue Rasberry
    6. singer- Taylor Swift
    7. ice creme- Moose Tracks
    8. holiday- Halloween
    10. poem- The Raven
    11. quote- Loving Someone Is Giving Them The Power To Destroy You... But Trusting THem Not To
    12. word- Fuck
    13. letter- S
    14. writing tool- Pen
    15. candle scent- Vanilla
    16. food- Tacos
    17. game- Monopoly
    18. person- My boyfriend
    19. candy- Snickers
    20. fruit- Grapes
    21. vegtable- Broccoli
    22. flower- Rose
    23. natural disaster
    24. soup- Chicken Noodle
    25. tea- Green Tea

  • Nanita
    15 years ago

    1. book - Bible.
    2. color - black/blue.
    3. pop - root beer.
    4. car - impala.
    5. slushie - cherry.
    6. singer - lil wayne.
    7. ice creme - chocolate chip cookie dough.
    8. holiday - christmas.
    10. poem - I Love You.
    11. quote - "What's Meant to Be Will ALWAYS Find Its Way"
    12. word - boyyyyyyy!
    13. letter - C
    14. writing tool - pen.
    15. candle scent - cherry.
    16. food - frijoles :)
    17. game - twister.
    18. person - Christopher.
    19. candy - butterfinger.
    20. fruit - orange.
    21. vegtable - peas.
    22. flower - Primrose (young love; I can't live w/o you)
    23. natural disaster - teenage memories.
    24. soup - chicken.
    25. tea - dont drink tea at all..

  • Lady Nik
    15 years ago

    1. book - Crank
    2. color - Purple
    3. pop - Cherry Coke
    4. car - Anyone that works
    5. slushie - Blueberry
    6. singer - Amy Lee
    7. ice creme - Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
    8. holiday - Thanksgiving
    10. poem - Untitled Me
    11. quote - Insanity Is An Overdose Of Reality
    12. word - Aishiteru
    13. letter - R
    14. writing tool - Sharpie
    15. candle scent - Jasmine
    16. food - Chinese
    17. game - Guitar Hero
    18. person - My Grandma Cat
    19. candy - Dots
    20. fruit - Grapes
    21. vegtable - Corn
    22. flower - Roses
    23. natural disaster - Monsoon
    24. soup - Chicken and Rice
    25. tea - Peach

  • AnCi
    15 years ago

    1. book - don't ry now
    2. color - red & blue
    3. pop
    4. car - Volvo c70
    5. slushie
    6. singer - Rihanna & Nicole
    7. ice creme - Vanilla
    8. holiday - Christmas
    10. poem
    11. quote - "Every wound has a scar and every scar tells a story, a story that says I SURVIVED!
    12. word - love
    13. letter - A
    14. writing tool - usual pen
    15. candle scent - strawberry
    16. food - fried chicken with frites
    17. game - heroes of might and magic III
    18. person - my brother
    19. candy - CHOCOLTE (!!!)
    20. fruit - strawberry
    21. vegtable - all sallad
    22. flower - rose
    23. natural disaster
    24. soup - chicken
    25. tea - vanilla

  • adriaan
    15 years ago

    1. book - I'm soon to find it.
    2. colour - Black.
    3. fizzy drink - I hate fizzy drinks.
    4. car - I have no interest in cars.
    5. slushie - I don't consume them.
    6. singer - Probably Bruce Dickinson.
    7. ice cream - Chocolate.
    8. holiday - The one without.
    10. poem - There's not a lot of them.
    11. quote - "One in two billion, that's the chances a person has at meeting their daemon. One in two billion, it's a terrible crime to me. I wish my girl could do what she wanted, I wish she could help more people find their daemons. So remember her, remember me, and remember all the daemons." (A girl's daemon said that.)
    12. word - Misanthrope.
    13. letter - ??...
    14. writing tool - The pen. Or the pencil.
    15. candle scent - I don't use candles. I use this thing called electricity.
    16. food - Anything Chinese
    17. game - CHRONO TRIGGER.
    18. person - Sela.
    19. candy - I don't really eat it.
    20. fruit - Nectarines.
    21. vegtable - I hate veg.
    22. flower - I have no taste in flowers.
    23. natural disaster - What a strange question...
    24. soup - Mushroom soup
    25. tea - Chinese green tea.

  • Love is a Beautiful Thing
    15 years ago

    1. book hes just not that into you

    2. color green

    3. pop dr pepper

    4. car 69 boss

    5. slushie coke

    6. singer taylor swift

    7. ice creme chocolate

    8. holiday Christmas and halloween

    10. poem dunno

    11. quote too many

    12. word meada

    13. letter F

    14. writing tool Pen

    15. candle scent vinillia

    16. food grilled chicken

    17. game apples to apples

    18. person dunno

    19. candy chocolate

    20. fruit green apple

    21. vegtable none

    22. flower red rose

    23. natural disaster ME

    24. soup tomato

    25. tea ewww

  • Kaye
    15 years ago

    1. I haven't one.
    2. black
    3. coke
    4. aston martin's and mercedes'... those cars just ooze sex.
    5. what?
    6. dunno
    7. pistacheo
    8. christmas
    9. what no nine?
    10. one my boyfriend wrote me. It' crap as far as poetry goes but the meaning behind it is lovely.
    11. it's too inappropriate to post here.
    12. that is as well.
    13. that's just silly.
    14. pen
    15. rose
    16. I am a not a picky eater if everthing is vegan.
    17. twister. ;)
    18. Jake
    19. M&Ms
    20. Mango
    21. Beets
    22. Rose
    23. Flood
    24. Veggie
    25. I'm english. I love all tea.

  • Wake Me Up
    15 years ago

    1. to many
    2. white
    3. sprite
    4. jeep wrangler
    5. red
    6. currently...kate nash/brandi carlile
    7. chocolate
    8. my friend's birthday's
    9. .....?
    10. to many
    11. to many
    12. none
    13. A-Z
    14. what ever is closest
    15. anything that smells good
    16. anything that is good
    17. apples to apples
    18. none
    19. dark chocolate
    20. erm....kanolope
    21. most of them
    22. to many
    23. hurricane
    24. many
    25. chia

  • Fluffy
    15 years ago

    1. Ah, it has to be between Frankenstein and The Kite Runner.
    2. Black.
    3. You mean fizzy drink, right? Um...7up or Sprite.
    4. Between the Bentley and Mercedes S550.
    5. Strawberry slushy? I don't know.
    6. Enya.
    7. Cookies and cream! :D
    8. Turkey.
    Where is number 9? I am unimpressed!
    10. Dulce Et Decorum Est.
    11. "The purpose of life is impossible to define, for there is too much to do: one has to love, one has to learn, and live. In the end, there is but one simple explanation: The reason to live is to find its purpose" - HansRik.
    12. 'Mephastophilis' and 'Beelzebub'. They're names, really, but I love the sound of them :)
    13. A.
    14. Pen.
    15. Vanilla.
    16. Anything the mother makes.
    17. Boardgame: Monopoly, Video game: Prince of Persia II.
    18. Person(s): Mother and father.
    19. Everything.
    20. Mango :D
    21. Sweetcorn.
    22. Daisy.
    23. How could I possibly have a 'favourite' natural disaster!?!??!
    24. Hm, chicken. OO, or tomato and basil. I want some now :)
    25. I don't 'do' tea.

    15 years ago

    1. book -- The Dice Man.
    2. color -- Orange.
    3. pop -- Fizzy drink? Fanta.
    4. car -- Thunderbird.
    5. slushie -- Red+Blue mixed.
    6. singer -- Tom Smith. <3
    7. ice creme -- Cookie Dough.
    8. holiday -- Germany.
    9??? :O
    10. poem -- Mid Term Break.
    11. quote -- Religion is an illusion and it derives its strength from the fact that it falls in with our instinctual desires. - Sigmund Freud.
    12. word -- Puddle, "Bebe"[baby in french.]
    13. letter -- X.
    14. writing tool -- Pen and paper.
    15. candle scent -- Vanilla.
    16. food -- ATM; Pizza or peppers.
    17. game -- Hmm what kind of game? D:
    18. person -- My family members are equal. <3
    19. candy -- Oooooh cherry chubba chub lolly.
    20. fruit -- Apple, Strawberry or Kiwi.
    21. vegtable -- Brocalli.
    22. flower -- Pink Daisies.
    23. natural disaster -- Thats morbid.
    24. soup -- Mushroom or Veg!
    25. tea -- Barrys.