Three Objects

  • Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago

    Hello! Happy July. It's been silent the past few days so thought we could play around with some prompts.

    Name three random objects and the person below you must post their poem involving those three objects (listed in the actual poem), then that person has to give another set of objects and so forth.

    Okay, go!

    - A can of root beer, a pair of dice, a fan

  • Liz
    3 years ago

    It's been a long time, but I'll give it a shot.


    I remember the treehouse,
    haphazardly built,
    at the edge of the woods behind
    that abandoned house.

    You took me there,
    showed me your lucky dice
    and taught me how to play cards,

    and other things.

    I remember wishing
    for that broken fan to work
    in the afternoon heat, while
    we shared a can of lukewarm
    root beer and
    I pretended to like it
    to impress you.

    I don't remember much of you anymore,
    but days like today
    when beads of sweat drip down my back
    and a phantom taste
    of warm drinks lingers on my tongue,

    I hope that you remember, too.


    Three objects: a hair clip, rain boots, and a cup.

  • Ben Pickard replied to Liz
    3 years ago

    Liz, that is a truly mesmerizing piece of poetry.

  • Liz replied to Ben Pickard
    3 years ago

    Thank you, Ben! Your turn soon? Lol

  • Star replied to Liz
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    I was lost
    in the white
    half full
    cup of water.

    Nostalgic memories
    of little feet
    wiggling with
    within pink
    barbie rain boots,

    traveling from one
    puddle to another,

    freeing thin hair to
    the moist breeze,
    after losing
    a red lady bug
    hair clip.

    Earphones, ring, and pencils

  • Ben Pickard
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    This broken hair clip's all I have
    Of all we had in years gone by,
    And though no hair is locked in place,
    Your memory is amplified.
    Across the hills, your laughter rang,
    But now I hear just ghostly wails,
    And no amount of sun or warmth
    Can dry my sodden rain boot's trails.
    My cup holds only buttercups -
    You picked them in the meadow's bloom -
    But now your going means that they
    Lie wilting in the winter's gloom.


    a clock, a spinning top and coffee

  • Ben Pickard
    3 years ago

    I posted this after Star as I hadn't seen hers! Liz - you get two for the price of one!

  • Star replied to Ben Pickard
    3 years ago

    Lol sorry, but it’s sooo interesting to see the different takes ^_^

  • prasanna replied to Star
    3 years ago

    Love these poems! Used up bens & star's prompts:

    time was crawling to a stop;
    the seconds felt like minutes,
    and the minutes like hours.
    i stopped paying attention
    to the officer that was
    speaking to me, while my
    eyes wandered -
    the clock felt like it
    was stuck on 9:19,
    the boy's spinning top
    almost knocked that cup
    of coffee over,
    the girl behind him
    was playing wit her
    ring as her earphones
    blasted indie music.
    the officer handed me
    paperwork and rooted
    through his cup of pencils
    for a pen -

    he handed it to me,
    asked me to read it
    and sign it.

    i didn't bother to
    read it, i know what
    i saw, i signed it
    as the harrowing
    realization set in.


    book, letter, mirror.

  • Liz replied to Star
    3 years ago

    Wow. I love that you both used the prompts and each poem gave me completely different emotions!

  • Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    Liz! So awesome to see you back! These poems are fantastic.
    Here's mine:

    I read about your death
    before it happened.
    You handed Sylvia Plath's
    book to me on a mournful
    summer evening.
    You told me to save her
    poems for bedtime,
    and I felt both blessed
    and cursed, darkness
    seeping in through the
    sheets that were too
    tight around my body.

    Each morning, I would
    look at the aftermath
    in the mirror -
    my eyes weeping
    for a woman I wished
    I knew.

    Her poems were a prelude
    to your fated goodbye.

    I knew I couldn't hold
    on to you forever, and
    once I found your letter,
    tucked in the last pages
    like an elder cherry blossom,
    I knew you'd gone, a flower
    that couldn't bear the
    heaviness of


    glitter, gold necklace, street light

  • Milly Hayward replied to Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    A street light shone across the night
    it's light revealed her ravaged skin
    Wbat brought her such a sorry plight
    and with it deaths unholy grin?

    Blood tarnished her golden necklace
    dark where once there was a glitter
    What devil caused her fall from grace?
    Twas I feel that evil Ripper

    boots, car, rose

  • nouriguess replied to Milly Hayward
    3 years ago

    I always think, my soldier, about
    your last wounds. The last waning
    murmur of pain you made that my heart
    could still hear. I wasn't there
    during the raid, but my dreams are
    full of smoke and shrapnels
    and military cars in flames,
    and hand-written perfumed letters
    hidden in khaki pockets
    under the debris.

    My dreams are full of short, distant,
    I-can't-hear-you-well phone calls.
    Of black, dirty boots
    on my doorstep. And of the earthquakes
    a heavy bomb could yield
    on a small town.

    Were you feeling accomplished
    the moment your officer screamed
    "we're trapped!" and the fire
    grew everywhere around you
    so fast and startling
    like a bolt of thunder?

    You'd been wishing for such a death,
    heroic and sudden,
    and selfish.

    Were you thinking of how
    my heart will dry in grief,
    like a rose dipped in cyanide?

    I'm living half a life now,
    relishing nothing but memories,
    making love to a ghost
    in my head,
    wishing for such a death,



    Washing machine, backyard, rolls

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to nouriguess
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    The weeds are grown high enough
    to just hide the ancient Rolls Royce
    but it's of no matter to anyone around
    this neighborhood leaves little choice.

    A rusty washing machine off it's feet
    decrepit ladders up against the garage
    backyard clothesline drooping low
    it's like a Southern junk house collage.


    walking stick, cliff, lake

  • Poet on the Piano replied to nouriguess
    3 years ago

    You're waiting for
    dinner on a Sunday
    evening, and while
    you're waiting, you
    keep the washing
    machine company,
    humming along
    to no specific tune.

    Even though
    your dryer's not
    broken, you'll
    put your laundry
    on a clothesline
    in your backyard,
    soaking up the sun
    and praying for the
    drought to end.

    Things in motion
    aren't always meant
    to stay in motion,

    so you'll watch the
    clothes slowly dry,
    hanging limply,
    just like you'll listen
    for the timer to signify
    that the dinner rolls are
    golden brown.

    You'll sit on the old
    swing, then eat at a
    table with ghosts,
    wondering when you'll
    be moved again.


    a stained rug, garden hose, magazine

  • nouriguess replied to Larry Chamberlin
    3 years ago

    Our 80 years old
    widowed neighbor put his walking stick
    on the bench beside him,
    and is throwing bits of bread
    to the ducks
    in the lake. His wrinkles crease
    even more as he smiles
    to the young couple sitting
    on the grass, drinking apple
    juice off the same cup.

    A tear falls down the grey stubble
    on his face, and he wipes
    it quickly, looking up at cliff
    on the other side; perhaps the place
    they drank apple juice together,
    one last time.


    Pricetag, ring, napkin

  • prasanna
    3 years ago

    i remember that day vividly;
    he looked at the price tag of
    the ring and wrote down his
    phone number on the napkin,
    begging me to reserve it
    for just three more days,
    so he can gather up enough
    money, and i obliged. at
    closing, the evening news
    showed a mangled car with
    the caption "couple dead
    in a horrific car accident",
    and i never saw him since.


    table, painting, spoon

  • Star replied to prasanna
    3 years ago

    All shades of blue scattered on
    this wooden table. The sky cried
    over her crashing territory, as her
    fading color reflected on my brush.

    Melted vanilla ice cream dripping
    off the shiny spoon into my canvas,
    creating a mirrored painting of
    this lonely summer day.


    Ice cream, brush, chair

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Star
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    I vaguely remember how
    you held my hand in the
    dentist's chair, and
    afterwards, used
    a brush to flatten
    my hair, then braided
    it in the car.

    You promised me
    ice cream, any flavor
    I wanted, and as we
    laughed and ate
    on the benches,

    you told me you'd
    always fight for

    But now I remember
    everything more clearly -
    this was a memory
    that was never


    cigarette, paper clip, nail polish

  • nouriguess replied to prasanna
    3 years ago

    Good god. Submit this, please?

  • nouriguess replied to Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago

    I cannot wait to
    wear my master's graduation dress,
    put on makeup and
    nail polish; things I havena used
    in ages,
    toss the exhausted
    paper clips cowering on the desk
    and the cigarette stubs sleeping in
    the ashtray, in the trash.
    And shout from the bottom
    of my heart "I'M FINALLY


    Grape fruit, mask, mirror

  • Liz replied to nouriguess
    3 years ago

    You said last time was the last time,
    but I can see it in your eyes.

    A compact mirror in one hand
    and your favorite eyeliner in the other.
    You're trying so hard,
    but your shaky hands give you away.

    You've colored your hair again, too.
    Is that grapefruit red?
    So many attempts at changing yourself,
    you don't realize the masks never work.

    I know what you're doing.
    I know what you've done.
    I know you'll never change.

    That's why I won't try to stop you.

    I'll be here, waiting.
    that tonight
    won't be your last.


    Suitcase, wheel, glasses

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Liz
    3 years ago

    These are all so emotional and powerful! You guys rock :)

    The humidity fogged up
    her glasses when she stepped
    outside, and inside, it wasn't
    much better;

    the walls were volcanic
    ashes that bounded her in
    heat and betrayal.

    she'd packed her suitcase,
    one wheel broken,
    hoping to someday leave
    and break the spell,
    but she wasn't going anywhere,

    her demons would make sure
    of it.


    stiches, tablecloth, diamond ring

  • D. replied to Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    Only you
    could lose our first set
    of house keys within hours of
    moving in

    only you could spill
    gravy on the brand new

    (of which I'm silently glad,
    your mum's tastes are
    pretty bad)

    only you
    could leave me in stitches
    trying to hang up
    a painting

    and only you
    could tell me after
    three minutes of struggling
    you didn't need my help

    only you
    in the evening
    could gaze at your feet,
    tell me at last you felt
    almost complete


    only you
    could tell me
    all that's missing
    is a diamond ring -

    yes, darling...

    only you
    would lose it in the
    toilet or something.


    Ribbon, brooch, matches

  • Everlasting
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    MA Prompt: stitches, tablecloth, diamond ring

    If you say you love me dear
    Then I need no diamond ring
    nor a wedding dress, nor bling
    for love that last forever more
    can mend even with stitches
    a tablecloth that has been torn before

    Edit: Oops, i used the same prompt as Daniel.

    Daniel’s Prompt: Ribbon, Brooch, Matches

    Title: A Heart that plays with fire

    a ribbon laced around a pony tail
    sways gently with every given step
    where as a brooch pinned tightly into a vest
    hangs closely to a heart
    that knows exactly how to handle the Matches
    kept in the purse

    These are the objects I’m giving: Shoes, mirror, microwave

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to Everlasting
    3 years ago

    Popped the coffee cup in the microwave,
    penguins of South Africa, instant Folgers
    and went up stairs with the hot cup of daybreak
    to watch you trying on different pairs of shoes
    and studying them in the mirror.

    How did we come to this?
    How did we spend thirty years together
    and yet never get tired of watching you
    looking up every once in a while
    to meet my eyes in the mirror and smile
    still in love?


    sword stome magic

  • Star replied to Larry Chamberlin
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    The night felt like a sword
    to my throat,
    slowly piercing as it got darker.
    I surrendered to their callings
    that coated my soul with dark
    magic, transforming my heart
    to stone.

    Bracelet, cup, book

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Star
    3 years ago

    An abandoned cup leaned
    against a book, wondering
    if she'd ever be wanted-
    tossed aside once her exterior
    chipped like the bracelet and
    ring and necklace that were
    gemless, waiting to be valued


    compass, twig, baseball bat

  • Everlasting replied to Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago

    that boy you called a twig
    was the compass who guided me home
    so just because people say
    you are like a baseball bat
    who hits home runs for them
    doesn’t give you the right to humiliate
    him the way you did

    remote, carpet, teddy bear

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Everlasting
    3 years ago

    The night was young, and
    as you handed me the TV
    remote for another adventure
    movie, you knocked your elbow
    into my half-empty glass of
    zinfandel; I didn't even blink
    an eye. We never could get
    that stain out of the carpet
    but it never mattered.
    It remains, like the other
    worn remnants of you:
    the broken frame on our
    favorite photo, the teddy
    bear with stitches missing,
    your cologne still present
    on the threads of the sheets
    we shared.

    No matter how many times
    I rearrange the room, I will
    never be rid of you.


    disco ball, axe, snowflake

  • Everlasting
    3 years ago

    This winter
    the sky is cold white
    and this house shivers with its coldness.
    let’s grab an axe
    before our bones turn to ice.
    let’s head to where wood abounds
    past the hills of snow
    where the first snowflake
    of the season
    creates a disco ball
    of aurora borealis
    for our eyes

    curtains, keychain, oak

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Everlasting
    3 years ago

    The oak tree keeps watch
    while the storms crawl
    closer. You can feel the
    stagnant air and dread
    drying up your bones.
    No shelter will be able to
    withstand the rage.
    Your provisions will not
    last, so close the curtains,
    lower your voice, and stop
    the keychain from rattling
    in your palm.

    You will be with your loved
    ones, soon; this is only one
    path to the end.


    dirty boot, pocket knife, daisy

  • Everlasting replied to Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago

    with a dirty boot
    and a pocket knife in hand
    he cut the daisy

    floor, mask, elevator

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Everlasting
    3 years ago

    We stare at the dirty floor,
    keeping our distance as much
    as we can in the creaky elevator,
    silently thanking each other
    for wearing a mask.


    robin's egg, swimming pool, fork

  • Everlasting replied to Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago

    “a fork is all you need” he said
    “that’s all you need” he reassured himself while
    staring at the reflection of robin’s eggs
    on a swimming pool
    He then looked at the tree above his head
    and with a face of determination proceeded
    to grab the fork from his lunch box
    a minute later, with sweat on his forehead
    and fork clenched tightly on his lips,
    he climbed the tall tree
    To later utter with a disappointed and frustrated tone
    “No, oh no, I need a knife. A knife that I don’t have!”
    while holding firmly yet shakily from a branch

    Subsequently, a voice is heard from inside the house
    “Gilbert, where are you? Gilbert”
    His mom comes rushing to the pool
    “Gilb... ERT,.!” She screams when


    water splashes all over the mom

    Then Gilbert cries
    “Mom, do you have a knife?!”
    while floating on the pool


    car seat, tea cup, salt

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Everlasting
    3 years ago

    Luce, you are amazing with your creative mind!

    To pour salt on my wounds, he
    reminded me of the first death
    I responded to. A damaged car
    seat, grieving on the side of
    Interstate 69. A father on his
    knees, holding his daughter's
    plastic tea cup set, his tears
    pooling over in the small

    It rained enough for two cities
    that day, as if the world knew
    all it could do was mourn.


    confetti, cactus, calculator

  • Saerelune replied to Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    A poem containing: confetti, cactus, calculator.


    EDIT: poem removed for publishing purposes.


    Yarn, window, card.

  • Everlasting replied to Saerelune
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    with window opened
    yarn flies to a birthday card
    sitting on presents

    MA, thank you! So are you as well.

    Prompt: tricycle, race car, orange

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to Everlasting
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    Dreams (syntuit)

    Racing neck and neck
    orange line meets the race cars
    Jill's tricycle won


    dirt, hair clip, letter opener

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Larry Chamberlin
    3 years ago

    She walked to the top of
    the driveway in the morning
    mist, trudging through the
    dirt to open the mailbox.
    Inside, she found a single
    letter addressed to her with
    no mention as to who sent it.
    She brought it to her desk,
    cautiously using a letter opener,
    then gasping in surprise when
    she touched her mother's hair
    clip from the last time she was
    alive. A beautiful barrette,
    adorned with amethyst
    crystals, that reminded her
    of a mother's grace in times
    of turmoil. And as she gently
    placed it in her hair, she
    suddenly felt less alone,
    her mother's presence
    alive once more.


    pizza crust, daffodil, sandal