Quotes About Depression

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  • Who needs knives, i've got the last words you said to me... and they're as sharp as ever...

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  • This world is such a terrible and unfair place.

    by Maria
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  • I wish someone would wipe these tears away,

    my hands are drenched.

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  • I'm so tierd of life , with all its stupid pains and flukes . I just want to run away and hide in a dark corner and never be found . I want to get away from everything and everyone and just let go .

    by madelyn
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  • I don't want to live anymore. I'm so unhappy with my life & at this point I can't see it getting any better.

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  • I just wish some memories didn't last forever. I swear reliving the same moment time after time will destroy you.

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  • She didn't know how to handle all this .
    Her parents , her sister , her friends .
    None of them really understood
    what she was going through .
    None of them could do anything to help her .

    She was ALONE ~

    by Natasha
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  • You know that you're empty and broken when you find yourself not caring about something that would have made you feel terrible some time ago. Or maybe, you've had enough.

    by Maria
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  • "Nothing is wrong When we feel The Need To cry. Those tears are just going to wash away the filth so you can see the world clearly again."

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  • "I cannot be lost, Because I've never been found"

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