Some Secrets Should Never Be Told

by Ingrid   Feb 1, 2009

Some Secrets Should Never Be Told

Deep within my heart I hold you
My treasure, my angel divine
my once in a life time lover
One day you will be mine

Each second of every hour
you fill my being with pride
My heart pounds so heavily
this bond is so hard to hide

Until the day when I will be
yours to have and to hold
Our desire will burn silently
Some secrets should never be told

A title contest poem.


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  • 8 years ago


    A secret Love huh?! Very well written Ingrid, and very descriptive words producing work that radiates great imagery.
    Just beautiful Ingrid, just beautiful....

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Hello Ingrid
    Loved the title, which drew me in (we all like a good secret, don't we?) and then the first line hits hard as it's the same as the title, and the fact that at this early stage I have read it twice, really pushes the point home: "Some secrets should never be told".
    What secret? Are we going to find out? Almost has a dark feel at this early stage.

    And then the first stanza - an outpouring of love for someone, "My treasure, my angel divine, my once in a lifetime love". And then, "One day you will be mine." Why one day? Here I am intrigued further. Someone you love, clearly, but are not with now.

    Second stanza, again, an almost feverish acknowledgement of your love for this person, and a statement of your pride in them. But again, why aren't you with them? "this bond is so hard to hide." Is this a little indication of a forbidden love, perhaps?

    And then the final stanza, which I personally can read as nothing other than a passionate, all-consuming love that is forbidden: "Our desire will burn silently
    some secrets should never be told."
    An age problem? A friend's lover? The possibilities are endless, but the poem is certainly a wonderful example of forbidden love. (I've probably got it all wrong, but I enjoyed my analysis, lol!)
    All the very best, Ingrid,

  • 15 years ago

    by The Prince

    I don't know how you, LJ, and Bliss write such good love poetry, I'm so awful at it. It's probably down to experience haha :] I liked the idea of the last line reinforcing the title, like your love is a secret waiting to burst out to show it's beauty. Loved the imagery here, excellent.

  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    You are correct that some secrets should never be told and I think that all us have one of them, I do and it coincides with the theme of your poem. Good job. 5/5