When Am Gone

by Joseph Boadi   May 16, 2012

A question i must ask them too
Who is perfect me or you?
None.maybe only God and his crew
For me its easy as can be
Just one time and you would see no more of me
Am a fool when am up for the best
Diming my scope and knawing my nest
You throw stones at me like a stray dog
Blaring my each vision with your thick fog
Would you ever lit my long face with a smile?
Or instead stretch it longer than a mile
Would i ever be blithe and gay?
Or as merry as May
In a minute maybe more
I will leave for the shore
Sailing as far as i can like the wind
Leaving miles and leagues behind
Then maybe when am gone it would strike you
That i was never black but as harmless as blue


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  • 12 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    Then maybe when am gone it would strike you
    That i was never black but as harmless as blue

    I really liked this line, it was so well written. The content of the poem was good and so was the message and how you used your words.

  • 12 years ago

    by Jenn

    Wow, I really liked this.
    It's beautifully written, and it flowed well for me.
    Keep it up, I'll keep reading. 5.


  • 12 years ago

    by Illusion

    Who is perfect me or you?
    None.maybe only God and his crew.
    Great poem....

  • 12 years ago

    by Silent Girl

    When Am Gone will you miss me :( 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Yrem Crish

    I will leave for the shore
    Sailing as far as i--(I)--capitalize this,lol.
    can like the wind
    Leaving miles and leagues behind
    Then maybe when am gone it would strike you
    That i was never black but as harmless as blue

    I like the ending part. Over all, I enjoy reading your stuff:)keep writing on

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