
by Liz   May 12, 2017

I have been drinking your poison.

And just when I think it's the end,
you replenish my supply.

I sip it slowly
until my stomach hurts,
my brain pounds against my skull
and my eyes are bloodshot and burning-

in hopes that tomorrow
I will be immune to it.


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  • 6 years ago

    by Phoenix ¥

    I understand that desire to want to be free or immune to something or somebody we feel we just can’t live without x

  • 7 years ago

    by deeplydesturbed

    Im just seeing this now?!

    This is in my opinion about drinking. how do i know? because I am going through the same thing!! Just one sip wont hurt right, then before you know it your hiding bottles around the house so people cant see how bad it really is!!!

    i do hope you overcome this.. i really do. Stay strong! xx
    and much love and respect to you for becoming sober.

  • 7 years ago

    by Em

    Ok so I re-read this and thought? it much more worthy of my 1 line comment so I came back and decided to write a better one as I have read it countless times now and each time I find something more beautiful within it.

    The title is one that made me question what exactly this poison was.. drugs, alcohol, smoking or something and the content explains it to me though I guess there's many interpretations which is always good in poetry.

    1/ Now, this made me believe this is about a drink problem but I doubt it'd be this simple so on I read...

    2/ ahh now that's a real pain just when you think somethings coming to an end the supply is filled up and even if you're full from it you feel obliged to carry on drinking this poison and now I feel it's lies, you are referring to as poison but who knows lol

    3/ The sipping, the stomach and head pain, the blood shot eyes all make me believe again that this is alcohol but then I think again and I'm not sure.

    4/ I do love the ending.

    Much love

  • 7 years ago

    by Em

    Some times wishes are granted... I live in hope.

  • 7 years ago

    by Jamie

    Hi Liz. Its been a while ^^.

    I really love this poem. It seems to me that this poem is about someone who is "trapped" and in love and they don't know how to escape. They want to love this person for who they are but they keep getting hurt. I love the metaphors you used here because they work well to describe what you are feeling and the tone of the poem itself. Poison is always a great word to use (though sometimes cliched). You make it work well in my opinion. Great write!

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