
by Paul Hirst   Oct 15, 2017

You were my womb
The breast I fed on
My shell and I the yoke
You kept me whole safe unbroke
My harbour in life's stormy seas
My pod and I the peas

But now I'm stillborn
From life giving milk im torn
Shattered laying on the kitchen floor
Shipwrecked on a rocky shore
De-shelled and frozen to my core

You no longer love me anymore


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  • 6 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Many images ran through my mind as I read this
    and the pain this read portrays stabs the heart...
    a moving write.

    • 6 years ago

      by Paul Hirst

      Thank You I appreciate your kind comments

  • 6 years ago

    by Mayday

    Wow, this was very well-written. An amazing description of what it's like to be uprooted and left without the person you've counted on the most, whose always been your rock-your security blanket - and then to just not have them anymore :( It captured that sense of desolation so well. Please, Keep writing!

    • 6 years ago

      by Paul Hirst

      Thank You very kind comments